Neville was by the door when I got there. How he knew it was Noah, I didn’t know. Normally when someone came to the door, he hightailed it to my room and hid under the bed.
With a deep breath in and out, I opened the door, and Noah hardly gave me a glance before picking up my dog. He didn’t even pay attention to me when he strolled in with my pooch. At least Liam and Jaxon were excited to see me. Jaxon hugged my middle while Liam hugged one of my legs.
I wrapped my arms around them. “Hi, guys, how are you?”
Shouts of “Good!” and exclamations that they couldn’t wait to get to the pumpkin patch filled my ears and condo. Meanwhile, Noah was aimlessly walking around my small kitchen with my dog.
I shut the door and the boys ran to Noah, anxious to pet my dog. I wasn’t sure how that was going to go. Neville hadn’t ever cared for my nieces and nephews.
I walked into the kitchen, not sure what I was more nervous about: my dog being grumpy with the boys or whether Noah would acknowledge my presence. Was he upset with me?
Well, if we’re being honest, you are kind of a nutjob. It’s exhausting, Miss Sparkly went in for the kill.
Is that how people saw me? I exhausted them? My eyes started to water.
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Please don’t cry in front of Noah. He already thinks you’re crazy.
I thought you didn’t want to hurt my feelings? I zinged back at her.
I was so done with her. I turned around to get my emotions under control. The last thing I wanted was for Noah to see me cry. I fanned my eyes and took shallow breaths. That was until I heard Liam giggle.
“He’s licking me,” he squealed.
I turned to find Noah and the boys sitting on my kitchen floor. Noah held Neville carefully out toward Liam and Jaxon. Neville would sniff the boys and then give them a lick. Who knew he had it in him to be so normal? I guess Noah did. Apparently, I was holding my dog back. Or maybe I had screwed him up in the first place.
Noah glanced my way, and he went from smiling to flatlined lips. What could I say? I was good at killing every good thing.
“We should probably get going,” Noah finally spoke to me.
I said, “Yeah,” all while trying to think how I could get out of this. Noah clearly didn’t want to be around me. “You know, I should probably drive myself. It seems silly for you to drive all the way back here when you and the boys live in Carson City. I feel bad you even came out of your way this morning.”
Noah pressed his lips together as he stood. I had no idea how to read him. Then he shrugged. “That does make more sense.”
I had to grab the counter next to me. I’m not going to lie, I thought for sure he would tell me I was being silly and of course we should go together. “Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll meet you there. Sorry you drove all the way up here.”
“No worries.” He gently set Neville down before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive.
Miss Sparkly stopped breathing.
“I wanted to give you this anyway.”
I stared at the flash drive.
“I’m ready for my lecture,” he teased.
I was in no mood to give one. I grabbed the flash drive. “No lecture. I’ll edit these as soon as I can.”
His face dropped as if I’d disappointed him, but he recovered quickly. “Great.”
“You guys can head on out. I’ll be five minutes behind you. I just need to get Neville settled.” And my heart for that matter. Miss Sparkly was in a tailspin and she had my pulse racing. She couldn’t believe I was right. But even she recognized that if Noah cared for me as more than just a friend, he wouldn’t have brought me another photo shoot to crop his ex out of. Whoever she was. Maybe it was the owner of the German shepherd.
Noah gave me a shrewd look. “Are you trying to fake us out and not show up?”
I shook my head, afraid if I opened my mouth, Miss Sparkly would come out. She wanted to know why he was acting so offish and if I had done anything to him. I knew she blamed me. But the truth was, I was right, and she was wrong.
Bite me, Cami.
Chapter Nineteen
Dear Ex-Filers, the best advice I can give you today is to keep your expectations low. We are talking subbasement level. Things can only go up from there. Now carry on.
Lots of love,
I walked down the steps of my private entrance, wishing so badly I could bail. Even Miss Sparkly wasn’t too thrilled about going now either. I wasn’t sure if she was more upset at me for being right or herself because she was wrong. Or if she was mad at Noah. All I knew was that I had a lot of turmoil brewing in me, and it wasn’t pretty. My stomach was even making weird whale sounds for being so upset. I needed to get that under control before I got to the pumpkin patch.