When we walked up the stone steps together, I couldn’t tell if it was Miss Sparkly or me who clung to Noah. Either way, part of me didn’t want to let go.

“Thanks for being my friend,” I whispered into the light breeze.

Noah stopped on the top step and smiled the warmest of smiles. “I like being your friend.” He squeezed my hand and let it go.

I think Miss Sparkly was a tad disappointed he reminded her that we are only friends, but I realized it was something I didn’t want to take for granted. I obviously had this need inside of me to connect to my past. And Noah had been a big part of it.

Feeling more settled, I walked toward the door, staying a step behind Noah. Unfortunately, that gave Miss Sparkly the go-ahead to check out his butt.

Yowzers! Those jeans should be on fire.

I averted my eyes. I needed help. Lots and lots of help. I was grateful Adonis opened the door.

“Hola. Qué lo qué?” Adonis came straight at me and wrapped me up in his big, bulging arms.

I almost teared up. I wasn’t expecting such a warm reception from someone I hadn’t seen—okay, someone I’d avoided—for almost three years.

“El cielo,” I responded cheekily, which, if I remembered correctly, meant the sky.

“Very good.” Adonis laughed his hearty laugh. He gave me another squeeze before releasing me.

“It’s nice to see you.” I smiled at the tall, lean man who was all muscle. He and Noah were deadlocked for who had the best layer of stubble.

“It’s good to be seen. It’s been a long time, friend.” He waved his arms toward the door. “Come in. My bride is anxious to see you.”

I loved how after ten years of marriage he still called Shanna his bride. Maybe Noah was right, there were still good men out there, outside of the Jenkins gene pool. It still didn’t mean I needed to date them.

Don’t be too hasty, Miss Sparkly had to throw in her two cents.

While Noah and Adonis did some handshake ritual, two of the cutest little boys came running down the circular staircase yelling, “Uncle Noah!” They had grown so much since the last time I’d seen them. Jaxon had been three and Liam one, and barely toddling around.

Noah’s eyes lit up while he knelt down, allowing his nephews to tackle him to the floor. That had to hurt, considering the floor was made of hardwood. Noah didn’t seem to mind. He hugged the boys fiercely. “You got me.” He pretended to be under their complete control, letting them pin him to the floor.

It was adorable.

While Noah got attacked, I looked around their grand, high-ceiling entryway at some of the canvas photos hanging on the wall. Photos I had taken of the beautiful family that used to be showcased on my old website—Candids with Cami. I was quite proud of them, especially the ones taken near Lake Aspen. The evening light was perfect and they all glowed, especially Shanna, who was holding newborn Liam. I held my stomach. I glowed once, too, when I looked at two pink lines telling me a life was growing inside of me.

I had to force my eyes not to water. It was frightening how fast life could change.

Adonis shook me out of my head by easily picking up each son with one hand. “Don’t beat him up too badly yet. We need him.” Adonis sounded super grateful for Noah. Noah was seemingly trying to play the hero for everyone. That used to be me.

You could decorate that porch, Miss Sparkly reminded me. Or a freezer meal wouldn’t hurt.

I shifted uncomfortably from my own thoughts. I was ashamed I was so hesitant to help. It’s not that I didn’t want to. But opening the door to the old me meant being willing to be vulnerable.

“Come on back here,” Shanna shouted from their family room.

Noah jumped up and we followed Adonis back. He was still holding his children upside down, but they were laughing hysterically, so I assumed they enjoyed it. It was something my minions would certainly love to have done to them.

We walked back to find Shanna all propped up on a leather couch, a bag of chips in one hand and a remote in the other. It wasn’t a bad life. Basically, it was my life, minus the bulging pregnancy belly and gorgeous husband and kids. Tomato, Tamato.

Shanna’s beautiful Cullen blue eyes landed squarely on me. At first, she pursed her lips, making me pause, but then she broke out into a huge smile. “Get over here.” She waved me over. “It’s been forever since I’ve seen you. You look as gorgeous as ever.” She was such a liar, but what the heck, I went with it.

Noah gave me a little nudge and I tiptoed over.