Lots of love,
“Aunt Cami, hurry, we’re going to start the movie,” Aubrey called from the stairs.
I clicked publish, grabbed the humongous bowl of caramel popcorn, and headed down to the Babe Cave in my parents’ basement. Noah and I had agreed to help my parents watch all the minions so their parents could do adult things tonight. My siblings figured I did enough adulting in the Virgin Islands.
It was fine. We were actually having a great time with the kiddos. Noah was never more attractive than when he had five kids hanging off him like a jungle gym.
I walked into the expansive room that held every toy imaginable. Dad had installed an even bigger screen along the back wall as a Christmas present for the grandkiddos. Everyone was on beanbags or climbing all over my tanned man. The sun loved Noah like we all did.
The minions attacked me and stole the bowl of popcorn.
Noah motioned with his finger for me to join him on his beanbag.
“No hanky-panky in front of the kids,” Mom warned.
“What’s hanky and panky?” Toby asked.
I smiled evilly at my mom. She brought that one on herself.
Mom blushed.
Dad cleared his throat and said, “Ask your mom and dad.”
I joined Noah and snuggled into him.
“When the clock strikes midnight,” Noah whispered in my ear, “hanky and panky are coming out. I want you to be my first and last kiss of the year.”
I drew circles on his chest with my finger. I couldn’t wait to start the New Year with him. I had a feeling it was going to be a good one. “You have a deal.”
Valentine’s Day
Dear Ex-Filers, I know for many of you this day is the hardest one of the year. Just remember it’s a totally made-up holiday. A ploy by the florists and greeting card and chocolate companies. Maybe ploy is too strong of language, but you get my drift. The point is, don’t let a manufactured holiday make you feel any less about yourself. Take a romantic trip to the refrigerator or to the couch. Just don’t Netflix and chill with somebody undeserving because the calendar says February fourteenth. You are worth more than that. Now for those of you happily with someone who is deserving of you, Netflix and chill is a great alternative to overcrowded restaurants.
Lots of love,
P.S. Don’t forget, all the chocolate goes on sale tomorrow!
Noah walked in from his gourmet kitchen that I had a secret love affair with. It was so much bigger than my kitchen, and he had a refrigerator that made pebble ice. Noah could have hands down won me over with that appliance. Right now, I loved him because he was bringing Chinese takeout and a bottle of wine with him.
“Are you sure you’re okay not going out on our first Valentine’s Day together? Or should I be offended that you see me as your Netflix and chill guy?” He set the bag of food and the wine down on the coffee table before he plopped down next to me.
“I would think that would be an honor for you.” I kissed his beautiful face.
“I am honored to be with you.” He got all sappy. I loved him for it.
“Aww. Now feed me, I’m hungry.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He reached for the bag and pulled out a fortune cookie first.
“I’m hungrier than that.”
He leaned back and eyed the wrapped cookie carefully. “I just thought it would be fun to open your fortune first.”
“I already know I’m the most fortunate girl around.” I could be sappy too.
Noah leaned into me, our foreheads meeting. “I love you, Cams.”
“I love you too.”
“Good. Now open your cookie.”
“So bossy.” I plucked the cookie out of his hand. I leaned away and took off the wrapper before cracking the cookie open. With a dramatic flair, I cleared my throat before reading my fortune out loud. “Will you marry me?”
Noah slapped a hand against his chest. “I thought you would never ask. Yes. Yes. I will marry you.” He pressed his lips against mine before I could say anything or comprehend that I was pretty sure I’d just gotten engaged. I mean, it wasn’t a bad thought. But was this some Valentine’s Day prank? Like, you know, do this and then film your girlfriend’s reaction and post it?
I pulled away from him. “Uh . . . what just happened, and am I on camera?”
“Damn. I should have filmed that.” His eyes danced with amusement. “Let’s do that again. But this time, I want to try it a different way.” He reached into the bag and this time he pulled out a Tiffany blue box. Like the Tiffany blue that means something. He opened the box to reveal the prettiest round diamond in a bead setting.
I nibbled on my lip and my breath became shallow. This was happening. Whoa.