Page 102 of The Holiday Ex-Files

Here’s the truth: Three years ago, when I caught my husband under the Christmas tree with another woman, I felt as if my life had been stolen from me. I lost my sparkle. The pain was so unbearable, all I wanted to do was hide from all the things that once made me happy, including men and the holidays. For a while that worked. The Holiday Ex-Files was born, and you will never know how much of a lifesaver that was. With every photo I cropped and every story shared, I felt less lonely and knew I would survive the inexplicable pain I was in. The thing is, though, I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t unhappy, but as someone I care about very much reminded me, it’s not the same.

So, I went in search of my happiness, and guess what? I found me again. The me who loves cheesy Hallmark movies and pumpkin spice everything. I found the girl who dances in front of a roomful of strangers for no reason. I even found the woman who is willing to be vulnerable. Who wants to take a chance on love.

I know some of you might be saying it’s a trap and how do you know this guy Noah will work out. The thing is, I don’t know for sure. But this I know: Noah is like Christmas. Christmas is cozy and warm; it’s about selfless giving and thinking about others; it makes you a better person and brings out the wonders of childlike faith. Christmas never thinks of itself—it only exists to make the world happy and a better place. Cheesy, I know, but it’s true.

So, if you’re still reading this and you can forgive me for knowing myself, I’ll still be here winter, spring, summer, and fall to help you remove them all. I may be more sparkly now, but don’t worry, there will still be plenty of snarky.

Lots of love,


I held up my phone to Neville. He was busy watching Animal Planet next to me on the couch and checking out a beautiful chocolate Lab. “Hey, look at this. What do you think? By the way, your lady love will be here soon, so put your tongue back in your mouth.”

Neville paid me no attention, so I clicked publish. Maybe Neville didn’t care that Luna was coming over, but I couldn’t wait to see Noah. I had a surprise for him. Mara had called from Christmas Hell, as she had referred to it. A place called Carole Cove, Montana. Jay had sent her there on a business trip, and unfortunately things weren’t exactly going as planned and she would probably be there through the holiday. But I had a feeling there was more to the story than just business. She wasn’t being all that forthcoming, so I couldn’t wait to get the full scoop when she returned after Christmas. But that meant no more Virgin Islands vacay. Noah was going to be ecstatic; he’d been begging me to stay. I’d almost given in but didn’t want to disappoint Mara. Now it was the best of both worlds: sexy boyfriend for Christmas with no guilt.

I set my phone down and breathed in the pine scent that filled my condo as I stared at the bare balsam fir in front of my window. I’d had it delivered this morning. It was ironic to think that the beautiful seven-foot tree represented new life and a new beginning, especially when I’d had it chopped down and it was sure to die. But I never thought I would see another Christmas tree in my place. I wasn’t even itchy at all. And it had nothing to do with the rumor that Ben and Claudia had separated.

Who cared about them when Noah was rushing over because he thought I was having a plumbing emergency? The truth is, I only wanted him here to help me decorate my tree and to tell him I was all his for Christmas. And . . . to give him his Christmas present early. I’d been working on it for days and was anxious for him to see it. I thought it was a fitting first gift of Christmas.

I jumped up when I heard a key being inserted into my door. Yes, he had a key to my place already—I mean, he was my contractor. That was my story, and I was sticking to it.

I hustled to the door, skirting around all the Hobby Lobby bags full of Christmas decorations. We are talking a maze of bags. I’d gone Christmas crazy there with Mom. It was the best present I could have given her.

When Noah opened the door, I full-on attacked him, throwing my arms around his neck and wrapping my legs around him. I pressed my lips against his before he could even say a word. I thought my way was the best way to say hello.