Page 101 of The Holiday Ex-Files

“Claudia?” Noah shuddered. “Hell no.”

Claudia clucked her tongue, offended.

“Not Claudia,” Ben raged. “Cami.”

That did it. Not only did that set Claudia off, who began swearing, using all the four-letter words in what sounded like several languages—but Noah didn’t take it too kindly that Ben was referring to me as his wife and touching him.

Noah gripped Ben’s coat with two hands and got right in his face. “Don’t you ever refer to Cami as your wife again. After what you did to her, you have no business even saying her name. Are we clear?”

By now we had onlookers with camera phones, snapping pictures and recording. If Ben and Claudia were anything, they were ever aware of how the public perceived them. Ben pulled away from Noah, brushed off his coat, and cleared his throat. Under his breath he said, “We’re done.”

Noah’s face was crestfallen, but he quickly recovered when he took my hand.

Ben shook his head in disgust before walking off in Claudia’s direction. She already had her phone out, making her excuses for what had just occurred. The crowd around us dispersed, seemingly disappointed there wasn’t a fistfight.

Noah directed his attention to me. “Are you okay?”

“Almost. I’ll be right back.” I had to do something. Something I should have done a long time ago. After this night, Ben would no longer haunt me. I was cropping him out of my life, once and for all.

Noah gave me a knowing smile.

My brothers, on the other hand, stood in my way. “You aren’t going after Ben, are you?” Chandler was the voice for the brute squad.

“Only to put him in his place.”

My brothers nodded. “You may proceed.” They parted. They were ridiculous, but I loved them.

Ben was marching toward the gazebo when I caught up to him. “Ben,” I called his name for what I hoped was the last time.

He turned around, stunned to see me, yet he wore his usual look of condescension. “What do you want?”

“I want to tell you the truth.”

He folded his arms as if to say, “Thrill me.”

I stepped closer, but not too close, disgusted with his arrogance.

“If you’ve come to tell me you’re sleeping with my best friend, I figured that one out on my own. If you’re trying to seek your revenge, I don’t care,” he obviously lied.

Normally that would have felt like a slap in the face, but his power over me was waning. And even though I wasn’t sleeping with Noah, I didn’t address that slight. It was none of his business. I glanced to the side at Claudia putting on some fake tears now for her fans. “If I were seeking revenge, I would say you did the job for me, but that’s not why I’m here.”

Ben was speechless, for once. It was apparent he didn’t love Claudia. I questioned if he’d ever loved me.

“I need you to know something, and then you will never hear from me again.”

He dropped his defenses and unfolded his arms.

“The night I came home early to surprise you,” my voice shook while I pushed away the images that had held me hostage for far too long. “I came home to tell you I was pregnant.”

He blinked a hundred times, as if he were trying to comprehend what I had said. His gaze drifted toward my abdomen.

“I miscarried on Christmas Day.” I guessed that’s what he wanted to know.

His fists clenched. “Why are you telling me this now?” his voice trembled. I noted the misty sheen in his eyes.

“Because I’ve carried your betrayal with me for so long. And now it’s yours to own.” I physically felt the release. This huge weight lifted off my chest. I took a deep breath in, like it was the first breath I had taken in three years. “Wow. Merry Christmas, Ben.”

His jaw dropped but no words came out.

I turned to walk away.

Of course Noah was standing nearby, watching over me. Always watching over me.

“Cami.” Ben’s voice pleaded for me to turn around.

I gave him a half turn. “What?”

He swallowed hard and rubbed the back of his neck. “I am sorry,” he stuttered.

I’m not sure how sorry he really was, but I found I didn’t need his apology as much as I needed to let go. And let’s be honest, I was getting the better end of the deal.

I rushed into Noah’s waiting arms and didn’t look back. While I snuggled into his chest I heard Miss Sparkly exclaim, as she drove out of sight, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. That was me trying to be humorous. But it’s time for you to let go of me too.

Wait. I thought you wanted to be the victor.

Oh darling, I am.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Dear Ex-Filers, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” —Aristotle

I’m sorry I’ve been missing in action the last couple of weeks. I thought it best to let the dust settle. By now I know many of you have seen the videos and pictures of what went down at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in my hometown. I want to thank so many of you for your private messages of support. Even those who have stopped me in the store or on the street. It means the world to me and, yes, Noah. While many of you have been supportive, I know there are many who feel as if I have betrayed you or been an opportunist, claiming to espouse and promote the single life just so I can earn people’s business; when in reality, I didn’t mean any of it.