Page 16 of Brutal Scoundrel

There’s a pause on the other end of the line. Silence, like she’s taking in not just what I’ve just said but the way I said it. Then she draws a deep breath. “Wow, this isn’t just a fling is it?”

“No. And I’d hoped you’d be happy for me.” I fold my arms over my stomach, feeling deflated.

“Safi, I’m sorry. Of course I’m happy for you. I really am. It sounds amazing. But I wouldn’t be doing my job as a friend if I didn’t sound a word of caution, would I?” She pauses, obviously expecting a response, but I pout instead. “Would I? You would do the same for me, right?”

My mind goes back to another friend, years ago. Helena. And Brad. God, what a douchebag. Helena couldn’t see it but he was playing her. He had three girls on the go at once. “Yes, of course I would,” I mutter, remembering how that particular friendship ended.

“I love you, you know.”

I nod grudgingly. “I’m glad you’re watching out for me. I just… OK, is there anything I should know about Roman? Any dark secrets? A wife somewhere?”

“His family is the mob, Saff. I think dark secrets go with the territory. But no, not married as far as I know. Never has been. In fact, have you spoken to any of the girls in the casino? A few of them are convinced he’s not interested in women at all. That he gets his kicks from making women want him and then destroying their lives.”

I hesitate for a moment, brows drawing together in a frown. “That’s a bit far fetched, isn’t it?”

“Is it? He has the means if he wanted to. Are you sure he’s interested in you in the same way you’re interested in him?”

The way he used his tongue on me a couple of nights ago? “He’s interested. Trust me.”

“Have… Have the two of you sealed the deal then?”

I draw a deep breath, suddenly uncomfortable in my bikini out here, even though there’s nobody to see the way my nipples are peaking. The thought of what I’ve seen under those pants going inside me is both terrifying and enticing at the same time. Would it even fit? Would we have to stop at foreplay because my body is literally too small?

Would it be like being impaled on a rigid iron spike?

And more to the point, would I mind if it was?

“No,” I admit. We haven’t actually done the deed, but I mean…there’s no way, is there?

“Then how do you know?”

“He’s… He does things. You know. I’ve never been able to…” My cheeks flame. “You know, Clarissa. But with him it’s different.”

She snorts a laugh. “Congratulations, I guess. Though if you’d asked me I could have helped.”


“Oh, not like that. I love you, Safi, but not in that way. Anyway, I’m spoken for.” I can almost feel her rolling her eyes down the phone line. “I just mean I could have helped you find some toys. Explained a few techniques. Anyway, just because he’s made you come it’s not exactly conclusive, sweetie.”

I hear a noise in the background, the voice of Tara, her girlfriend, saying hi. “I’m going to have to go, Safi, Tara has just got back. OK, I’ll admit it, Roman Schalk doesn’t sound like a complete asshole. Just don’t give him your heart until you’re sure he’s going to treat it with the care it deserves, all right? And keep me in the fucking loop. I want details whenever you have them. Gotta go, bye.”

After we sign off, I put the phone down on the floor beside me and draw a deep breath.


Don’t give Roman my heart? It’s way too late for that. He has it under the heel of his dress shoes and could crush it anytime he likes. But so what? He has it and he hasn’t broken it. He hasn’t done anything to make me feel unsafe or insecure. He has treated me like a lady, like a princess in fact.

But he hasn’t even tried to have sex with me.

But then, what does that matter? So he’s being a gentleman, holding back and waiting. That’s a good thing. I should be thanking my lucky stars that I’ve found someone who only wants what’s best for me. He gave me pleasure and took none for himself. It doesn’t mean he’s trying to wind me up to a point where I’ve got a long way to fall.

Trying to push it out of my mind, I stand up from the lounger, leaving my towel there as I wander over to the side of the pool. Dipping my toe in the water, it’s warm as a lagoon. Obviously, guests staying at the hotel have access to it whenever they want, but I guess they’re more interested in gambling away their money in the casino, or playing a few rounds of golf, or being pampered in the spa.