Page 15 of Brutal Scoundrel

Pressing my fingers inside the very edge of her pussy, I hook them forward and press hard, at the same time increasing the speed of my tongue, lapping at her clit. It’s enough.

With a moan that turns to a high-pitched scream, Safi goes rigid, pushing back, and then gasps as liquid gold squirts from between her thighs. I feel her try to squeeze them shut against the onslaught, but my head is right in the way and I have no intention of moving it.

My mouth clamps over her entrance as I suck and lick for all I’m worth. Her squirting nectar fills my mouth and I guzzle it down with enthusiasm. Every drop of her is my oasis in the desert. After two powerful jets of cum, she moans low and a steady trickle of thick, sticky liquid continues to dribble over my tongue.

I don’t catch it all. I can’t. I don’t want to waste a single drop but I’m not fast enough and my mouth isn’t big enough. Some drips down onto the sofa, and I trail my fingers through it, enjoying every moment.

“I’m sorry!” she says with a gasp. “I didn’t…didn’t mean to make a mess…”

Licking my lips, I push up off her thighs, climbing high up her dress until we’re face to face. “Baby, it’s perfect,” I say, and press my lips against hers, letting her taste her own release. When we break apart, I meet her eyes and smile. “You made the perfect sweet treat, my little sweet treat.”



I can’t believe this is my life now.

Looking at the perfectly-still open-air pool is like a dream come true. Somewhere on the golf course, a cuckoo is making its call. There’s the quiet snip, snip of shears as one of the many landscapers trims the hedge that runs around the pool area, hidden from me here in my own little private world.

“So you’re not living there anymore?” Clarissa says over the phone. “Did you have to move out for a reason? Is everything all right?”

A cool breeze makes me shiver in my bikini. But the heat of the sun replaces it so quickly I barely notice. “I tried to call you, but to be honest I haven’t had much time to myself. Everything is amazing. It just happened so fast I…don’t know where to start, to be honest with you.”

“What? What happened so fast?”

“Well, you know I was doing the catering job for you at the casino.”

“Uh huh. How did it go?”

The thought of the men, pawing me and making me uncomfortable makes me frown. “Let’s not go there. Anyway, that’s not important. I met someone.”

“On the catering job?” Clarissa’s voice takes on a higher pitch, obviously distressed. “You remember what I told you about those guys, right?”

“I know, I know. Don’t get involved. They all have wives.”

“But you did anyway?”

“Not with one of them, no…” I can barely keep the grin off my face as I think about what happened just two days ago. How my world completely changed when Roman made his feelings quite clear.

Quite, quite clear…

“You know the owner of the casino? Roman Schalk?”

“I didn’t know he owned it, I thought that was his father. Anyway I haven’t really spoken to him… Hold on, are you saying…?” I struggle to hide the grin as I take a seat on the nearest lounger, lying back to look up at the perfectly-blue sky. “Jesus, Safi, are you sure you want to go down that road?”

And like that, the moment is broken.

The way she said that last comment, it’s clear she doesn’t approve. She might as well have said: have you lost your mind? I’d hoped for a squeal of delight or a gasp of pleased shock or something.

But no.

She thinks it’s a bad idea.

“He’s a nice person.” The thought enters my mind of the money he gave me to pay Anthea. No questions asked, just handed it over and told me to ask if I needed more. “You said yourself you haven’t really spoken to him.”

“No I haven’t, but I know him by reputation and I’ve seen him around. And I’ve heard stories that would make you literally throw up. He isn’t a good guy, Safi. I mean, I guess he’s hot in a battered gladiator kind of way. Even I can see that and I’m not even into guys, but still, there are limits—”

“It’s not his looks,” I say flatly, starting to feel defensive. “I like him. I really like him. He’s moved me in here, on the casino grounds, and he’s given me a job. I’m sitting on the side of the casino pool right now. There’s a marble replica of Michelangelo’s David standing at the entrance to the pool, for God’s sake. He’s pampering me, he’s encouraging me with my schooling. Honestly, you don’t know him the way I do. He isn’t a bad person.”