Page 20 of Brutal Scoundrel

She giggles into the pillow. “Kind of controlling, aren’t you?”

“When I need to be. Tell me you understand.”

“What if I want to go for a swim? What then?”

I draw a breath through my nose. That was my fault. I shouldn’t have told her she could have her run of the casino. She should never be out of my sight.

Glancing around the room, I think about where I could install cameras so that I can keep watch on her all day and night. Soon, I’ll have her with me at every hour. But until then…

“I’m going to have a pool built here at the guesthouse. It will be private, just for you and me.”

She chuckles, her whole body shaking alluringly. Then when I don’t laugh along with her she falls silent. “You’re serious?”

“Yes. I’ll allow you to use the other pool for sitting, but only when I’m with you. And you’ll be wearing a sarong.”

When she hesitates, I wonder if perhaps I’ve pushed too far, if my obsession goes too deep for any woman to accept. Perhaps she’s about to tell me to go to hell, storm out. Perhaps I’ll never see her again.

My heart almost shatters at the thought.


No, I’d chase her down to the ends of the earth if I had to. Where could she run that I couldn’t find her? She needs to know, this is the way things are going to be.

She rolls over and meets my eyes, searching my face, then reaches down and pulls her bikini bottoms into place, despite the elastic no longer holding them there. “If you’re going to make demands, you need to make me yours. It’s no use saying ‘mine’ and telling me what to do like I’m some sort of servant. That’s not what this is and you know it. If you want more of a claim on me than just being your private chef, you need to show me, Roman. Actions speak louder than—”

“I’ve been trying to hold back,” I admit.


“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to bend you over and fuck you until you’re screaming for mercy. You have no idea how much willpower it’s taking just to stand here when all I want is to…” I let out a deep breath, closing my eyes.

Fuck, she’s right. Words aren’t enough for this.

Reaching forward, I run a finger through her slit on top of the bikini bottoms, watching the way they mold to her labia. Her eyes drift closed and a little mewl escapes her lips.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

Her eyes can barely focus, but she meets mine nonetheless. “You really think so?”

“I know so. I’m going to fuck you now. I’m telling you because it’s the polite thing to do, but there isn’t really a lot you can do about it.”

“Maybe I don’t want to do anything about it.” She shrugs, arms drifting to her sides, gripping the sheet in trembling fingers. “Maybe I want to be taken and not asked for permission.”

“That so?” I climb onto the bed, leaning over her, caging her with my arms. My cock is painfully hard, held back by the fabric of my pants. I brush it against her slit and nearly cum from that contact alone. “I’m going to ask you something, Safi, and I want you to be honest. I need to know the truth, even if it’s not what I want to hear. Does that make sense?”

She nods as she rocks her hips, rasping her pussy against the head of my cock. “I’ll always tell the truth.”

“Good answer. I need to know, have you ever had sex with another man? Has any other man ever got his cock inside you?” I try to keep my words even, my tone under control, even as I prepare myself for the answer.

If she says yes, I’ll have to deal with that. I won’t like it, not one bit, but I can handle it. I’ll hire someone to track those men down, persuade them to move to the other side of the world or eliminate them entirely. I don’t much have a preference, but I guess less bloodshed will be better in the long run.

She stares silently as I hold my breath, then shakes her head, nothing but honesty in her eyes. “No. I’ve never even…” Red lights along the tops of her cheeks. “There hasn’t really been anyone I’ve been that close to, and from a young age I knew I wanted to focus on my career. Nobody distracted me from that until…”

Until me.

Fuck, yeah. That’s better than I’d hoped for, more than I have a right to ask.

“Thank God for that, sweet treat.” I breathe a sigh of relief, and push the thoughts of murder and dire threats out of my mind. I’ll never tell her what I was thinking, she doesn’t need to hear that. “And your career is important to me too. I’ll do everything I can to support it, but right now I’m just praising Jesus that you never felt this with anyone else. And here’s the thing, you’re not the only one of us that’s never had that. Truth is, baby, I never thought I’d find a woman I’d have this with. There haven’t been any women that turned my head. I thought I’d just be focused on business for the rest of my life. I don’t know, maybe it’s because of the way my dad went through women when I was younger, I didn’t want that for myself. Whatever it was, I just never did it. I’m a virgin, just like you.”