“No new ones,” Sebastian replied.

“Just the same old money ones.” She tried for lightness, but she knew it fell short.

He arched her a curious look. “Do I detect a trace of bitterness?”

“Probably,” she admitted a little grimly. “But it doesn’t have anything to do with you. It’s Gramps. Age has started affecting his judgment. It just doesn’t seem fair. And don’t say it,” Laura warned. “I already know that life isn’t fair.”

“I shan’t bother to remind you, then.” His smile was easy and warm. As always, Laura found it impossible not to respond to its sexy charm.

She lifted her horse into a trot, pointing it south toward the tree-lined river. Sebastian’s mount followed suit as dusk settled over the land.

With her back to the house, Laura never saw Trey walk onto the veranda, a cordless phone in his hand. He halted when he caught sight of the two riders already halfway across the ranch yard, and carried the phone to his ear. “Sorry, Tara. I was too late. They’ve already left.”

“They?” Tara stiffened instantly. “What do you mean, they have left?”

“Laura and Sebastian. They’ve gone riding,” Trey replied.


“With Laura, who knows? There’s a full moon tonight, and she decided to go riding. Do you want me to leave her a message to call you tomorrow.”

“Yes, you do that, Trey,” Tara stated and hung up, but she didn’t turn away from the phone. The phrase ride in the moonlight echoed through her mind. There was nothing about the sound of it that Tara liked.

She was well aware that Laura was attracted to Sebastian even though she had walked away from him. It infuriated her the way the Calders had welcomed him when he had shown up at the ranch. Her mood didn’t improve when Tara recalled the lack of enthusiasm the family had shown when they learned of Laura’s engagement.

The longer she thought about it, the more convinced Tara became that Jessy was hoping to undermine Laura’s engagement to Boone. She suspected that Chase was probably in on it, too. Considering the way he had allowed his own daughter to marry a common lawman, it was obvious he had no understanding of the importance of marrying someone of similar status and wealth.

Ordinarily Tara would have been confident that Laura wouldn’t be swayed by Sebastian’s charm, regardless of any attraction she might have for him. But if, as she suspected, the family was involved, they could tilt the balance.

“We’ll put a stop to that right now,” Tara murmured and picked up the phone, rapidly punched an eleven-digit number, and waited through three rings.

“Rutledge residence.”

“This is Tara Calder. Let me speak to Max, please,”

“One moment.”

Only seconds later, his familiar voice came over the line. “Tara, this is a surprise.”

“Not a pleasant one, I’m afraid. I thought I should let you know that Sebastian Dunshill is here in Montana. In fact, he’s staying at the Triple C.”

“What’s he doing there?” The sharp demand in his voice matched her own feelings.

“Obviously he’s making one more try to win Laura. He’s wasting his time, of course. Just the same, I think it might hasten his departure if Boone were here.”

“Do you think that’s necessary?” Max challenged.

“I wouldn’t say it’s necessary.” Tara was walking a fine line here, and she knew it. Max would be insulted if she told him her suspicion that the Calders were less than thrilled about Laura’s engagement to his son. “I just want the man gone, and I know Boone’s arrival would accomplish that.”

“Didn’t you tell Chase about Dunshill’s finan

cial troubles?”

“I told both Chase and Jessy, but they have chosen to leave the decision as to whether he stays or goes to Laura. She finds his persistence a bit more amusing than I do.” Aware that she had to be careful, Tara managed a slightly theatrical sigh. “It’s hardly surprising, though. Any woman’s ego would be flattered to have a man follow her halfway around the world. It’s natural that Laura wants to savor the feeling, considering that she’ll be married soon.”

“I suppose. She is young.”

Tara jumped on his comment. “Too young to understand the way people can talk. That’s why I want to make certain Sebastian’s visit is a brief one.”