“I’ll tell her,” Laura promised and pushed a twenty-dollar bill onto the counter.

“I need some more ones. Just a second.” The woman reached under the counter and pulled out a thick bank-deposit bag, unzipped it to reveal a bulging stack of bills, then exchanged a ten-dollar bill from the cash drawer for ten ones.

At the sight of such a large quantity of cash, Sebastian frowned in concern. “I should think having so much money on hand would be an invitation for robbery. Aren’t you worried about such a possibility, being a woman, here by yourself?”

“Not really,” Marsha Kelly replied with marked indifference. “Everybody knows I keep a loaded .38 under the counter as well. And they also know my brother Bob made sure I know how to use it. When you live in the middle of nowhere, with anything remotely resembling the law a good fifty miles away, people have to be willing to protect their own property.”

“I see,” Sebastian murmured.

Smiling to herself, Marsha glanced at Laura and tipped her head in Sebastian’s direction. “Is this your fiancé?”


“The ever-reliable range telegraph has been at work, has it?” Laura wasn’t at all surprised that the news of her recent engagement had already made it to Blue Moon. “Actually, Sebastian is just a friend,” she explained, then made the introductions. “Marsha, I’d like you to meet His Lordship, the earl of Crawford, Sebastian Dunshill, from England. Marsha Kelly, the proprietress of Fedderson’s.”

Flustered by the title, the woman searched for an appropriate response. “Welcome to Montana, Your High—” She darted a frantic look at Laura, unsure of the proper way to address him.

“Sebastian will do,” he said graciously.

“Sebastian,” Marsha repeated, and awkwardly bobbed her head.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kelly.”

“The same,” she mumbled, suddenly at a loss for words, and belatedly remembered to give Laura her change. “I think that’s the right amount.”

“It is,” Laura confirmed. “We’re on our way over to Harry’s to grab some lunch. Could I leave the strawberries here and pick them up when we’re done?”

“That will be fine,” Marsha assured her.

“Thanks.” Laura started to move away from the counter, then paused when she saw Sebastian selecting a handful of strawberries. “What are you doing?”

“A little something to whet our appetites.” His mouth slanted in a lazy smile. “Allie won’t miss these few.”

When he finally turned away, he held a half dozen berries in the cup of his hand. Laura sketched a farewell wave to the woman and pushed her way out the door.

Somehow Sebastian managed to reach the pickup ahead of her and opened the driver’s side door. “Thanks,” Laura said, but he stopped her before she could slide behind the wheel.

“Have a strawberry.” He offered one to her, holding it by its green cap.

Rather than allow him to feed it to her, Laura took the plump berry from his fingers and bit into it. She hadn’t expected it to be so juicy. She hurriedly reached up to catch the drips before they fell onto her clothes.

“Mmmm, delicious,” she murmured and popped the rest of the succulent berry into her mouth except for its leafy cap. “They’re so sweet they don’t even need sugar.”

“Really?” he said in a doubting voice when she reached up to delicately wipe any bit of juice from her lips with her fingertips.

As his head bent toward her, she was slow to recognize his intention. When she did, Laura was aware only of the quick thrill that raced through her, knowing his lips would soon be covering hers. The pressure of them was persuasively light yet delving—and all too brief.

Sebastian drew back only inches. “Nothing enhances the flavor of a strawberry like a kiss.”

“That was sneaky,” Laura said in mock reprimand.

“You knew sooner or later I’d steal a kiss.” His gaze drifted once more to her lips.

“But I didn’t expect it to be in a public place in broad daylight,” Laura chided, not the least bit offended. In truth she would have been disappointed if he hadn’t made a play. “I expected you to be more discreet than that.”

“What could be more discreet than this?” Sebastian countered, his crooked smile barely wavering. “The cab of the truck blocks any view of us from inside the store, and I’m shielding you from the sight of anyone who might be watching across the street.

“It was still a sneaky thing to do.” Laura plucked a berry from his hand and climbed into the truck.