She spun around. At the last second, she managed to bite back the sharp retort she had been about to make and smiled instead. “I’m fine.” The lie came smoothly. “Why shouldn’t I be? After all, I hardly know the man. It’s unfortunate that he’s in such a difficult financial situation, but it doesn’t have anything to do with me. And after what you’ve told me, you can be sure that it won’t.”

“Of course.” A look of fresh ease claimed Tara’s countenance, brightening her eyes and relaxing her smile. “I guess I was worried that you might have become a bit fond of him.”

“A handsome devil like him, of course I have.” Laura made the breezy admission without hesitation. “Who wouldn’t?” She pulled open a bureau drawer and took out her nightgown and matching robe.

Tara laughed. “You’re absolutely right,” she said, clearly reassured that there was no reason for any concern. “Just the same, I feel better now that you know about this.”

“True,” Laura agreed in a deliberately casual tone of voice. “As the old saying goes, ‘to be forewarned is to be forearmed.’ ”

“That’s exactly the way I looked at it,” Tara replied and straightened from the chair. “Are you still going riding with him in the morning?”

“Of course. You don’t think I’m going to pass up the chance to gallop across the country, do you? It’s been much too long since I’ve been on the back of a horse. That’s the one thing about the ranch that I do miss.”

“Just make sure you don’t get thrown. Your mother would have my head if anything happened to you.”

“Not if it happened on a horse. That’s something she would understand.”

“You’re probably right.” Tara glanced at the nightclothes in Laura’s hands. “I’ll say good night and let you get ready for bed.”

“See you in the morning.” Laura worked to sound casually offhand.

But the minute the door closed behind Tara, Laura dropped all pretense that nothing was wrong. Giving rein to the turbulence within, she tossed the robe and nightgown on a chair and crossed to a window. She stared into the night-darkened landscape, indifferent to the scattering of stars and the leafy silhouettes of the trees.

Hurt, that was what she felt. Laura tried to remember the last time she had been genuinely hurt by someone, but couldn’t.

She was stunned to discover that she felt like crying. Pride wouldn’

t let her give in to tears. Instead she went straight to the private bath and stood beneath the shower spray until the feeling went away.


There was a promise of love

And a question of trust,

But a Calder will always

Do what she must.

Chapter Seven

“Excuse me, miss.” The strange voice seemed to come from someplace far away. Yet there was something insistent about it that penetrated Laura’s consciousness.

She rolled over in bed and struggled to throw off the heaviness of sleep. Her eyes focused with difficulty on the elderly woman in a maid’s uniform walking past her bed, carrying a tray laden with a coffee service.

“His Lordship asked me to bring you coffee.” She set the tray on a table in the sitting area. “There’s a basket of pastries on the tray as well. If you’re going horseback riding this morning, you’ll be needing some food in your stomach.” She turned back toward the bed. “If you want something more hearty, breakfast will be served in the morning room.”

“No, thanks,” Laura mumbled, rousing herself with an effort.

“As you wish, miss,” the maid acknowledged and bustled from the room.

Laura remained in bed as the events of the previous night came flooding back to her. The memories left her with a heavy feeling. At the same time they hardened something inside her. She threw off the covers, climbed out of bed, grabbed the robe off the foot of the bed, and went directly to the breakfast tray to pour herself that first, bracing cup of coffee. If she felt any lingering sadness, she had pushed it deep inside.

Dressed in riding breeches, boots, and a long-sleeved blouse, Laura descended the stairs an hour later. A black bow held her hair securely against the nape of her neck, and she had a sweater tied around her waist in the event the morning air was crisp.

The butler stepped into the entrance hall and nodded a polite “good morning” to her. “A hot breakfast is being served in the morning room, miss.”

“Will I find Sebastian there?”