Crippled. The ugly word sent a chill up her spine.

“What if he never recovers? What if he never walks again?” Sobs broke in Rianne’s throat. “Rodeo is all he knows. It’s his life!”

“You and Rowdy are his life,” Lexie said. “And you don’t know that he won’t walk. You told me yourself that the doctors will be doing an MRI as soon as he’s stable. Maybe they’ll find something that—”

“No.” Rianne set her jaw in a determined thrust. “I’m not getting my hopes up. This is what it is, and the sooner I accept it—”

She broke off, suddenly seizing Lexie’s arm. “Listen to me, Lexie. Men like Cory and your brother, Jack, they’re addicted to the rush of this crazy sport. It’s like a drug. They couldn’t stop if they wanted to. There’s always one more rodeo, one more bull, one more eight-second ride. It’s too late for me, but not for you. Whatever you do, don’t lose your head and marry one of them, or you could find yourself right where I am now.”

Before Lexie could reply, a man walked out of the hallway, the overhead light casting his shadow across the floor. Lexie’s gaze traveled upward from a pair of dusty boots and jeans-clad legs to a shiny, silver PBR buckle. Her heart dropped as she raised her head. Shane Tully was standing in front of her.

A startled look flashed across his face, but he swiftly masked it and turned his attention toward Rianne. “Cory went to sleep,” he said. “He should be fine for a while if you need a break.”

“No.” Rianne stood. “If he wakes up, I don’t want him to be alone. I’ll go back.”

Lexie stood as well. “I won’t disturb him,” she said. “Tell him I came by. You have my number. I’ll check back with you. Meanwhile, call me if you need anything, Rianne—anything at all.”

“Thanks for offering. I’ll manage. If I can’t, I guess I’ll have to learn.” Rianne turned to Shane. “Thank you for coming by. Forgive me for not introducing you to my friend. I’m too muddleheaded to remember your name.”

“It’s all right. Miss Champion and I have met,” Shane said. “I promised Cory I’d bring you his prize check. I’ll go and pick it up now.” He glanced at Lexie, tilting one sooty eyebrow. “If you’re leaving, Miss Champion, I’ll walk you to the parking lot.”

“Fine.” Lexie had a few choice words to say to the man, but not here. She would wait for a better time and place.

Rianne had left them to go back to her husband. They stood side by side, waiting for the elevator to arrive.

“I didn’t know you were friends with Cory and his wife,” Shane said, breaking the awkward silence.

“The three of us were in the same class, all the way from kindergarten through high school. How do you know them?”

“I know Cory from the rodeo circuit. Her, I just met. Tough break. I hope he’s not out for the season.”

“You don’t know? He didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?” His eyebrows came together in a worried frown. “What’s wrong with him?”

“According to Rianne, he can’t feel his legs.”

His throat moved. He muttered something under his breath—most likely a curse—as the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. An elderly man using a walker exited and made his way into the waiting area. Shane and Lexie made room for him to pass before stepping inside.

“They’ll be doing an MRI.” Lexie continued the conversation as the elevator door closed. “There’s always a chance the doctors will find something they can fix, like a pinched nerve.”

“Or not.” His voice was flat with cynicism. Lexie knew he’d seen a lot of bad injuries. Well, so had she, and she wasn’t ready to give up hope.

She was readying a reply when the elevator stopped, the door opened on the hospital lobby, and he changed the subject.

“That bull of yours was pretty impressive tonight.”

“Whirlwind is always impressive.” Lexie kept her voice level, her expression neutral. But the memory of how Shane had tried to deceive her rekindled a blaze of anger. She held it in check while they were still in the building.

“For a second there, I thought Jay Walking Bird was going to last on him,” he said.

“Walking Bird’s a good rider. But you saw what happened.”

“There’ll be even better riders in the PBR. And better bulls.”

“I know. But Whirlwind will learn. He’ll get tougher and smarter.”

The double doors opened automatically. He stayed by her side as they passed through, headed for the visitor parking lot.