“I never really was,” Megan said. “I just need time to get my bearings.”

“You said you had a boyfriend.”

“Not anymore. I broke up with him. That’s just one reason why I need more time. Conner, I don’t know where you and I are headed, but if our relationship’s meant to go beyond a few casual dates, I want to do things right. Give me a few days, at least, to rewind, or change gears, or whatever I’m supposed to do at a time like this. Right now, I’m a mess.”

Unexpectedly, he laughed. “Megan, you may be the most honest woman I’ve ever met. I understand. But a few days is a lot of time to lose when you’ve got a job waiting in Nashville after the holidays.”

“I may have a job waiting—or I may not, since the man I broke up with is also my boss. And there’s also my family. I can tell how much they need me here. I’ve got some big decisions to make. And until I make them, I don’t need a handsome, charming cowboy muddling my brain.”

“If you’re talking about me, that might be the nicest compliment I ever received.” He sighed. “All right, how much time do you need?”

“Maybe a few days—I honestly don’t know.”

“Then how about this. The ranch has one more big weekend coming up, the last Saturday before the Christmas parade and ball. After that, business should slow down, with folks getting ready for the big town celebration. Today’s the ninth. It seems like a long time away, but I’ll have Sunday the fourteenth free. We could plan on some serious time then.” He paused. “Or I could come and find you where you are right now and kiss the living daylights out of you. Your choice.”

Megan suppressed a giggle. “Don’t tempt me,” she said. “Actually, the Sunday plan isn’t a bad idea.”

“Then we’ll go with that. You can expect a few calls between now and then. I know you’ll be doing some soul searching. If you’re not in the mood to talk to me, just say so. I won’t like it, but I’ll understand.”

“Thank you for that.”

“For understanding? Believe me, it isn’t easy. When it comes to getting what I want, I’m not a patient man—and I want you, Megan Carson.” Voices could be heard in the background. “Duty calls. Gotta go.”

After the call ended, she entered the number he’d given her for Ronda May. To her relief, she got the woman’s voicemail. Megan left a message about the job opening at Shop Mart, put her phone away, and headed out of the parking lot.

She’d told Conner she had some big decisions to make. But she hadn’t given him many details—like the conversation she’d had with her father about the teaching vacancy here in Branding Iron. It seemed she was finding more and more reasons to stay. One of those reasons was Conner.

But could she sacrifice the singing career she’d struggled so hard to build—the gigs that were just beginning to pay? And could she depend on Conner to be there for a long-term relationship?

“I want you, Megan Carson.” The memory of his words triggered a flush of heat. The man wasn’t one to beat around the bush—just one of the things she loved about him. And she did love him, she realized with a mild sho

ck. Whether she’d meant to or not, she’d fallen head over heels for the heart-melting cowboy.

But was what he felt for her real and lasting? Or would he forget her at the Christmas Ball, the moment Lacy Leatherwood, with her fake hair, high-heeled boots, and false eyelashes, strutted onto the stage?

* * *

When his cell rang again, Conner was restocking the tree display. His pulse kicked into high gear as he worked the phone out of his pocket. Maybe it was Megan. Maybe she’d changed her mind about waiting till Sunday.

But the caller wasn’t Megan. It was Ronda May.

“I need to talk to you, Conner.” He could tell she’d been crying. “Can I come out to the ranch? Or can you meet me somewhere?”

“I’m working, and my partners are here,” Conner said. “If you need to talk, I can spare you a few minutes on the phone. That’s the best I can offer right now.”

She sighed. “I guess that’ll have to do.”

“Fine, give me a minute to get somewhere private.” Both Conner’s partners were giving him curious looks. He signaled a time-out and carried the phone into the house. He could tell that Ronda May needed a listening ear, and he cared enough to give her that. But he wasn’t about to let her trap him again, especially since he’d mended fences with Megan.

“So, what’s going on?” he asked, lowering himself to the edge of the sofa.

She sniffled, clearly distraught. “I ran into Chuck today. He wants me back. He begged me to marry him. He even made me take back his ring.”

Conner stifled a groan. “Wait a minute,” he said. “Didn’t Chuck cheat on you?”

“Uh-huh. But he said he was sorry. He only wanted to make me jealous so I’d pay more attention to him. So in a way, it was my fault.”

“How did you answer him?” Conner asked.