“Guess what?” Daniel said. “I’m studying for my driver’s test. When I can drive, I’ll get a little car. Then I can drive you to work.”

And then we can get mar

ried. Daniel didn’t say it, but Megan could imagine what he was thinking. What a shame this sweet couple, so perfect for each other and so much in love, faced so many obstacles. Life wasn’t fair.

“I’ve got to go.” Katy stood. “My dad will be wanting to get home. Thanks for the cookies, Megan.” She gave Daniel a peck on the cheek, took the cookies that Megan had bagged, and hurried out the front door.

Megan sighed, knowing what had to come next. Putting off this talk with Daniel wouldn’t make it any easier. As he reached for another cookie, she sat down across the table from him. “Daniel, I know you’re excited about taking the driver’s test. But there’s a bit of a problem. Mom is upset with me for letting you get hurt today. She doesn’t want me helping you study for the test. I promised to respect her wishes.”

“So you can’t help me anymore?” Daniel’s expression would have melted stone, but Megan knew she had to stand firm.

“I’m afraid not. I’m sorry. I know how much you want to try.”

Daniel gazed down at the table. Then he looked up at her, smiling. “It’s all right, Megan. You helped me figure things out with the notebook. I can use that to study by myself.”

His cheerful determination brought tears to her eyes. Even with her help, the odds of passing the test would have been against him. Now he’d be facing the challenge alone.

Should she encourage him or force him to face reality? Megan was weighing what to say next, but her cell phone rang.

That would be Derek with his usual bad timing. Megan let the phone ring again, then again. Let him call back later, she thought. Maybe by then, she’d be in a happier mood.

Then she happened to glance at the caller ID.

The call was from Conner.

Chapter 7

Megan took the call on the last ring. “Hi, what’s up?” she said, doing her best to sound casual.

“I just thought I’d see how Daniel was doing,” Conner said. “Were things okay at his work?”

“Fine. His boss was nice about giving him a few days off. Now I get to keep him entertained until he can go back to work.”

“Well, that’s sort of why I’m calling,” Conner said. “We’re planning on a big weekend at the ranch, with a lot of people coming to buy trees and take sleigh rides. We’ve hired a couple of high-school kids to dole out the hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows, but we could use somebody just to welcome people, show them the trees, and invite them for refreshments. Since Daniel’s off work, would he like that job for a couple of days? We’ll pay him whatever’s fair.”

“He’s right here,” Megan said. “I’ll give him the phone and you can ask him.”

As Megan passed the phone to her brother, she felt a prickle of disappointment. Her pulse had skipped when she’d recognized Conner’s name. But he’d only called to ask about Daniel.

Well, what did you expect? she chided herself. It wasn’t as if she’d wanted him to ask her out. After all, she’d already resolved to turn him down. Hadn’t she?

Clearly, Conner wasn’t interested in her except as a friend. He was holding out for Lacy, the dream woman who wasn’t even real.

Blast him!

Daniel was chatting happily. “Yeah! All right! That would be great!” Pausing, he thrust the phone back at Megan. “Conner wants to talk to you,” he said.

Megan took the phone. “I’m guessing Daniel wants the job,” she said.

“He does. But I need to clear it with your parents—and with you, since somebody will need to bring him here and maybe take him home. I’d offer, but it’s going to be a busy time for us. I may not be able to leave.”

“That’s all right with me. My dad is doing extra work at the school, and Mom has a deadline for her artwork. As long as he isn’t in danger, I don’t think either of them will mind having Daniel out of the house.”

“So it’s a yes?”

“Unless my mother objects. What time do you want him?”

“Is nine too early?”