“What is it?” Conner was eyeing her as if she’d just changed color. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She worked the keys back through the hole. “You’re not going to believe this, but—” She pulled the keys out of her pocket and held them up.

His jaw dropped. “Well, hot damn!” he said.

Megan braced for a lecture. That’s what she might have expected from Derek. But Conner simply took the keys out of her hand. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get your car out.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ll owe you breakfast, or at least coffee, when we’re done.”

He gave her a melting grin. “You’re on,” he said.

* * *

Once the keys were found, the job of getting the car back on the road went without a hitch. The engine was cold, but it started after a couple of tries. With the help of the pickup and tow chain, the compact Toyota, with Megan inside to steer and add extra power, inched forward out of the ditch, up the embankment, and back onto the shoulder of the highway.

Behind the wheel of the pickup, Conner breathed a sigh of relief. When the keys had vanished, he’d begun to fear that the whole morning would go sour. But Megan’s car was all right, and she owed him coffee. With luck, she would agree to be his dinner date at Maggie’s place.

Shutting down the truck, he climbed out and trotted back to her car to unhook the tow chain. At his approach, she rolled down her window. “Thanks,” she said. “I owe you big-time.”

“What you owe me is coffee,” Conner said. “And the best coffee in town is at the Branding Iron Bed and Breakfast. It’s just off Main Street. Have you been there?”

“No, but it sounds fine. I can follow you there.”

“You could. Or I could take you with me and bring you back to your car.” He gave her his most enticing smile. “The truck is nice and warm.”

“You talked me into it. I’m freezing. But will my car be all right here?”

“There’s a wide spot just up the road. You’ll be safe if you park there. I’ll pull up in front of you, so you can climb in with me.”

Branding Iron had two respectable eating establishments, not counting Rowdy’s Roost, a seedy bar and pool hall just outside the town limits. Buckaroo’s, on Main Street, was a burger, shakes, and pizza place that opened for lunch at 11:00. For breakfast, or just morning coffee, there was the Bed and Breakfast—or the B and B, as it was known. Located off Main Street in an old, remodeled house, its homey atmosphere, Saturday brunches, and mouthwatering food drew customers from all over the county and beyond.

The front walk had been shoveled, but it was still slippery in spots. Megan took the arm Conner offered as they mounted the front steps. This wasn’t a real date, Megan told herself. But right now, it felt like one—even though she’d offered to pay.

The door opened on a warm wonderland of fragrances. The aromas of Christmas pine, fresh-brewed coffee, cinnamon rolls, bacon, and hot cocoa blended to fill her senses with pleasure. Twinkling lights were strung above the dining room. Old-fashioned Christmas carols drifted from a wall-mounted speaker.

In one corner, a lush green Christmas tree glittered with lights and ornaments.

“Well, hello, Conner!” The middle-aged woman bustling toward them looked like a small-town version of Dolly Parton, complete with bleached curls, long red nails, fake lashes, and crimson lips spread in a welcoming smile. “Always a treat to see you,” she said. “Now tell me, who is this pretty lady? Is she new in town?”

Conner introduced the two women. “Megan, this is Francine, who runs the place and makes the best scrambled eggs and flapjacks in the known universe.”

“You have a lovely place, Francine,” Megan said. “I’ve never been here before, but as soon as I walked in, I felt the magic of Christmas.”

“Why, thank you, honey! What a nice thing to say!” Francine turned back to Conner. “So, have you come to collect?”

“That depends on whether I can talk Megan, here, into having more than coffee.”

Francine batted her indecently long eyelashes. “Conner, I swear you could talk a woman into just about anything!”

“Am I missing something?” Megan asked.

“Here’s the deal, honey,” Francine explained. “I made this arrangement with the boys at Christmas Tree Ranch. In return for this beautiful tree, each of the partners gets a free breakfast with the lady of his choice. Travis and Rush have already collected. That leaves just Conner, and I take it you’re his lady of the day.”

“Lady of the day?” Megan felt a prickle of misgiving. It appeared she was with the town Casanova. All the more reason to keep up her guard.

“Want to go for it?” Conner asked. “I guarantee you’ll be glad you did. Francine’s breakfasts are a taste of heaven.”

Megan took a quick moment to think about it. She’d made breakfast for her family that morning, but she hadn’t eaten much. And the work of digging through snow to find her keys had given her an appetite.