“This is Chip,” Rush said. “His brother in the next stall is Patch. They pull Santa’s sleigh in the Christmas parade.” He moved on to the neighboring stall. The horse that thrust its head over the gate for a treat had a white patch on its forehead.

“They’re magnificent,” Tracy said. “Can I pet him?”

“Go ahead. These two are as gentle as lambs.” Rush guided her hand to the horse’s neck.

Tracy stroked the satiny coat, feeling the solid muscles beneath. “Beautiful,” she whispered.

“So are you.” His hand cupped her chin, tilting her face upward for a long, dizzying kiss.

Chapter 10

The kiss triggered a surge of sensual heat—a heat that flowed like a spring thaw through Tracy’s body, warming every part of her. Her arms slid around Rush’s neck, pulling him down to her, deepening the contact of his lips on hers.

He kept the kiss tender, almost gentle—but that slow-burning flame was kindling a blaze inside her. She stretched on tiptoe, hungry for more.

Whoa! the warning voice in her head cried out. You’re not ready for this. You can’t make a fool of yourself the first time a man kisses you. . . .

Tracy forced herself to listen. It made sense to be cautious. There were red flags going up all over the place—her grief over Steve’s death, Rush’s recent divorce, and the fact that she wouldn’t be able to give him children. And that was just to name a few.

Summoning her will, she tore herself free and spun away from him. They stood face to face, both of them breathing hard.

“Tracy—” he began.

“No. I’m sorry. I can’t do this, Rush. I’m not ready.”

One dark eyebrow lifted. His mouth tightened. He shook his head, visibly bringing his frustration under control. “Tracy, I don’t know whether to believe your words or believe that sensational kiss. I think you’re readier than you say you are. But if you feel pressured, I’ll do my best to be a gentleman and respect that.”

“Thanks.” So why am I aching for him to kiss me again?

“Still friends?” she asked, knowing she sounded like a fool.

“Friends,” he said. “Can I drop Clara off tomorrow? And will you still be my date to the Christmas Ball?”

She forced herself to smile. “Why not—if we can pretend this never happened?”

“No problem. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. But don’t expect me to wait too long.”

“That’s just the problem. I might never be ready. There are things you don’t know—” Should she tell him? Now would be the time. Waiting would only make things more painful.

“Then let’s give it time,” he said. “For now, we can be friends and enjoy a few laughs together. If anything changes, fine. If not . . .” He shrugged. “That’s life for you. Now let’s get back in the house before my partners get the wrong idea.”

With Bucket tagging behind them, he ushered her back inside through the kitchen. Conner and Travis were loading the dishwasher. “Back so soon?” Conner asked, glancing up.

“Nothing’s going on out there,” Rush said.

“Since I’ve already got my coat on, I should probably be getting home,” Tracy said. “Thanks for your company. It’s been a great evening.”

“And I’ll thank you with every scrumptious bite of that leftover chocolate cake,” Conner said.

When Tracy walked into the living room, Maggie and Clara were practicing dance steps in front of the Christmas tree.

“Thanks again for inviting me, Maggie,” she said. “Clara, I’ll see you tomorrow. You can play with the kittens and help me make cookies.”

“And if it’s a good time, I’ll come by after work and bring you the gowns,” Maggie added.

“I know how busy you must be,” Tracy said. “If it’s too much bother—”

“Nonsense, it’ll be a pleasure,” Maggie said. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”