“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

This was just what she needed, Maggie thought as she layered a thick sweater under her parka and pulled on woolen socks to wear under her boots. She’d spent the whole day dealing with problems, and tomorrow was bound to be even worse. Just for a little while, she wanted to have a good time in the snow.

But her worries came back to roost, like blackbirds in an orchard, as she drove down the plowed highway. It was Conner, not Travis, who’d invited her to the ranch, she reminded herself. Did Travis even know she was coming? With so much tension between them, how would he feel when she showed up for a sleigh ride?

Should she tell him she’d just spoken with Hank? But surely that could wait for a better time. And she wasn’t even supposed to know what Hank had done about the flyers and signs. Maybe the wisest thing would be to play dumb and keep it to herself.

Heaven help her, it was just as she’d feared—Travis and his father were battling it out, and she was caught right between them.

* * *

Inviting Maggie for a sleigh ride had been Conner’s idea. But Travis was glad she’d agreed to come. They’d put their relationship on hold—a wise move given the tension between them. But at the time, he hadn’t realized how much he would miss her. Amid the stress and worry of getting the tree business off the ground, Maggie—even on the worst days—was like an island of calm sunshine.

But did she feel the same way about him? After his clash with Hank, and the way she’d reacted to it, that was a serious question. Whatever the answer was, he knew better than to push his luck today. He just wanted to feast his eyes on her and hear her voice.

He stood on the porch, watching as she pulled through the gate and parked her car in the spot he’d cleared for her. As she climbed out of her car, the wind rippled her hair and heightened the color in her cheeks. She was so beautiful that even seeing her from a distance made his throat ache.

Bucket came bounding around the house to greet her, scattering snow with his thrashing tail. Maggie laughed and scratched his ears. When she looked up, her gaze met Travis’s. He gave her a smile and a casual wave.

Conner came around the house, where he and Rush had been checking the sleigh and the horses. “Hey, Maggie!” he said. “Are you ready for the season’s first sleigh ride?”

“That’s what I came for.” She took a knit cap out of her pocket and pulled it over her hair and ears. “Will you be driving the sleigh?”

“Nope,” Conner said. “I’m leaving that job to my friend Travis, here. He’s been training with the team all morning and not doing bad at all. Taking you for a ride will be his graduation.” He looked toward the porch with a mischievous grin. “Come on, Travis, she’s all yours!”

Travis hadn’t seen this coming. He was barely competent with the horses, and right now, being alone with Maggie could be awkward. But Conner had flung down the challenge, and there was no way he could refuse.

He came down off the porch. Passing him on the way, Conner stopped him and leaned close to his ear.

“This is your last chance,” he muttered. “Either you put your brand on that woman today, or I’m declaring open season and going after her myself!”

By the time the words sank in, Conner had mounted the porch. His friend was right, Travis realized as he walked toward Maggie. He’d stalled and made excuses, afraid he wouldn’t be good enough for this magnificent woman until he’d proven himself worthy. But if he wasn’t man enough to lay his heart on the line and make her his now, he didn’t deserve her and never would.

“Let’s go,” he said, offering his arm to steady her on the snowy ground. She took it, her hand resting on the sleeve of his jacket. He felt the pride of walking with her as they went around the house to the backyard, where the sleigh was waiting. “Are you sure you trust me to drive this thing?” he asked her. “I only just learned today.”

“You’ll be fine.” She squeezed his arm, but he detected an edge in her voice. Was she nervous about going in the sleigh with him? Or was something going on that he wasn’t aware of?

The confidence he’d felt a moment before began to fade.

Rush was waiting to steady the horses while they climbed into the sleigh. He gave Maggie a smile. “You’re a brave woman,” he joked. To Travis he simply said, “Good luck.”

But luck was only the beginning of what Travis was going to need.

* * *

Maggie settled herself on the driver’s bench and pulled on her gloves. When she’d accepted Conner’s invitation, she hadn’t expected to be riding alone with Travis. But here he was, sitting beside her with the reins in his hands. Had this been his idea all along, or had his partners pulled a fast one to get them together?

Judging from his unease, she guessed that Travis was as surprised as she was.

He nodded to Rush, who stepped away from the big Percherons. A flick of the reins and they were off at a cautious pace, headed west, away from the ranch house.

They hadn’t gone fifty yards when a black and white fur ball came rocketing alongside them. Bucket leaped into the sleigh, panting and shaking off snow as he hopped onto the backseat.

Maggie laughed. “Bucket always rode next to Abner in the parade, wearing a Santa hat. You’ll never convince him that he doesn’t belong here.”

“That’s okay with me,” Travis said. “And the hat’s not a bad idea. We should get him one.”

“Where are we headed?” Maggie asked, making small talk.