‘Well,’ she said, licking her lips as she finally found her voice. ‘How about we start with mine and graduate to yours?’

Luke smiled at her then and she smiled back. ‘Good answer,’ he muttered before closing the distance between them and claiming her mouth.

And claim it he did. Deep and hard, no finesse, no gentle initiation, it was full-on from the second their lips touched. Masterful and demanding, explosive and searing, sucking away her breath and her very ability to reason. It spoke of lust and longing and desires too long denied. It commanded capitulation and she submitted eagerly.

‘God,’ he groaned against her mouth. ‘I want you.’

And before she even had a chance to answer he rolled her onto her back and then he was over her and then on her and he was kissing her again. Deep, wet, open-mouthed kissing, pushing her into the mattress with every thrust of his tongue, kissing her into the bed.

Kissing her into oblivion.

Claudia was finally able to grab a breath when he freed her mouth from his onslaught, but it was only brief before he sucked it away again as he set about kissing a wet trail down her throat and into her cleavage. He swiped his hot tongue along the exposed swells of her brea**sts and Claudia moaned.

‘Undo your top,’ he said, his breath ragged. ‘I need to look at you.’

Claudia’s fingers shook from desire as she lifted her arms to do his bidding. She didn’t think to protest his command—because it had been a command—she just did it. She wanted him to look too. Hell, she wanted him to do a lot more than that.

She needed him to.

Finally her fingers managed the task and she was pulling her top down, exposing herself to his gaze. His satisfied hiss went straight to her nipples, hardening them before his eyes, and then he was feasting on them, exactly as he’d told her he wanted to, and Claudia was reduced to a mass of cries and moans and pleas not to stop as he lashed the sensitive tips with his tongue and sucked them both in turn deep into his mouth, going from one to the other until she’d lost all powers of higher thinking and just lay there in a sexual bubble where the only thing that existed was his mouth on her breasts.

Not even his hand sliding down her body and back up under her dress registered above the sensations he was creating with his tongue. And then he slipped a hand inside her pants, slid his fingers right into all the slickness and went straight for her clitoris.

The bubble burst.

‘Luke,’ she cried out, grabbing his shoulders as her body bucked and she felt as if she were falling. Her eyes flashed open.

‘Shh, shh,’ he murmured against her mouth, kissing her long and deep and wet again as his fingers stroked her. ‘You taste so good,’ he whispered before returning to her brea**sts to feast again.

Claudia’s eyes practically rolled back in her head as his fingers circled and rubbed and his tongue swiped and flicked, both of them setting a rhythm that complemented the other, both of them rocking her, pushing her, dragging her, driving her closer and closer and closer to nirvana.

And she was powerless to resist. She wasn’t even in her own body any more; she was floating above it somewhere watching herself as all the pieces of her started to come apart. As sensation swelled in her belly and something tore deep, deep, deep inside her, ripping her open, shredding her apart as it swelled further, growing and growing and growing until it was unbearable, a pleasure so painful her body was begging for it to take her, consume her.

And then it did.

‘Luke!’ she cried out as it claimed her, breaking over her in an almighty shock wave that arched her back, squeezed her butt**ocks and stiffened her limbs.

‘It’s too much,’ she gasped as it bucked and writhed through her like some kind of possession, like the serpent itself. ‘I can’t,’ she said, fearing she would die as it broke over her again and again, dragging her breath from her lungs, pounding her heart in her chest. But it went on and on shifting and changing, stroking her body with a thousand carnal caresses.

And it wasn’t too much and she could.

And as it started to ebb she reached for it again, crying out for more. She didn’t want it to stop. She never wanted it to stop. She wanted Luke, his mouth at her breasts, his fingers exactly where they were, like this for ever.

And he didn’t falter, he didn’t lift his head or shift his hand, chasing the tail of the orgasm as she moaned and whimpered, quivering through the dying vestiges, wringing out every drop of pleasure.

They were both breathing hard when Claudia finally stilled, Luke collapsing against her, his forehead on her chest, his lips grazing the skin that lay over her heart.