In shock was probably a better word. She’d told him just the other day when she’d been so scandalised by his own nudity, that she didn’t sleep in the buff. It was a safe bet to assume that even if he had caught her in bed, that she’d at least be fully clothed and not completely starkers.

‘I may have...probably...looked longer than I should have...’ Way longer. ‘I apologise. It wasn’t my intention to...’

‘Gawk? Perve? Ogle?’

Luke nodded. ‘Yes. To all three.’

Claudia had to admit it was a fairly comprehensive apology but she wasn’t sure she was ever going to be able to look at him again and not be aware of the fact that he’d seen her naked. She almost wanted to demand that he strip just so she could even the score.

More heat crept into her face at the thought—how would that solve anything? Didn’t that make her just as pervy?

And what about those moments after she’d woken the other day to his hand on her breast and his erection snuggled against her? Hadn’t she pushed back a little? Hadn’t she stayed where she was instead of moving away? Hadn’t she lain there wondering how good it might be if he slipped his hand under her shirt?

Could she claim to be so innocent where a sleeping Luke had been concerned?

The situation was too much and Claudia rested her forehead on her knees, feeling decidedly conflicted. How had they found themselves here?

‘I really am sorry, Claude. What if I promise to permanently delete what I saw here today from my memory cells?’

Claudia blinked at the ludicrous offer—as if that were going to be possible. And then suddenly disbelief turned to affront. Wait. Was that possible? Could he do it? Did her assets leave that little an impression? She knew they were small but they were quite perky even if she did say so herself and in a push-up bra they looked even better.

Despite her embarrassment she felt more than a little miffed.

‘Just like that?’ she asked waspishly. ‘My brea**sts are really that forgettable?’ It was completely irrational to feel as if her femininity had been insulted.

She was supposed to still be mortified!

Luke frowned, trying to keep up with the sudden about-face. What the—? She was pissed at him now because he was offering to do the gentlemanly thing? Or was it just some trick question? Did she want him to remember it? Because frankly he didn’t think there was enough will in the world to erase the memory of those delectable caramel nipples.

He was pretty sure they were going to feature in many future fantasy scenarios.

‘No.’ He shook his head ‘God, no. Absolutely not.’

‘Damn straight,’ she muttered.

Luke frowned again. ‘ don’t want me to forget them?’

Claudia glared at him for rationalising something that had no rational basis. ‘Yes, I do. Just maybe don’t look as if it’s so damn easy,’ she grouched.

Luke knew this could be funny if it weren’t so confusing. How could she sit there with the sheet pulled up to her neck like some Victorian virgin and look cranky and embarrassed and accusing all at once? As if her being naked were his fault?

He didn’t think any man with a recent dose of jet lag should have to figure out the workings of the female brain.

‘Oh, God,’ he begged, rubbing his temples. ‘I’m too tired and suspect I may have a Y chromosome too many for this conversation. Can we please just start again?’

Claudia noticed the cornered-male look on Luke’s face and the absurdity of the situation hit her. If she weren’t buck naked under the sheet, she might even have laughed. She felt the tension ease from her shoulders even if the heat in her cheeks didn’t.

‘Fine,’ she huffed as her shoulders sagged and her lungs deflated. ‘I’m sorry...I’m just...this isn’t really in my playbook, you know?’

Hell, yeh, he knew. Walking in on a naked woman he could handle. Walking in on a naked Claudia—not so much. ‘Well, if it’s any consolation, it’s not in mine either.’

Claudia smiled despite herself. ‘Maybe this could be another of those things that we never speak of again?’ she suggested.

Luke nodded vigorously. ‘I think that’s a very good idea.’

‘Also, how about we both agree to knock and wait for an answer in future?’

‘Deal.’ Normally he would have held out his hand for a shake but he doubted she’d remove her grip from the sheets for anything. ‘So I’m just going to go and pretend like this never happened.’

Claudia gave him a rueful smile. ‘Sounds like a plan.’

It wasn’t until he was halfway through the door that Claudia realised she still didn’t know why he’d come to her room in the first place. ‘Wait. What did you want to talk to me about?’