‘Yes,’ she said, wanting him inside her with a sudden ferocity. Wanting him to stay in her for ever. Loving the loom of him. Loving the bulge of his biceps, loving the proximity of his chest, loving the closeness of his mouth.

Just plain old loving him.

She linked her arms around his neck. ‘God, yes, please.’

And when he thrust inside her in one easy move she cried out, knowing she’d never want another man like this.

That only Luke would ever do.

And when he thrust again and again, groaning deep and slow in perfect time, building her quickly, she fought it off, pushed it away, hanging in there with him, desperate to be there with him at the end.

‘Damn it, Claude,’ he gasped in her ear, ‘let go.’

‘No,’ she panted. ‘Not without you.’ If this was to be their last time then they were going out together.

Luke grimaced and on one last thrust and a primal groan that sounded as if it had come from the depths of the earth beneath the Tropicana itself, he came, over and over, calling out her name.

Then and only then did she follow him into the light.

* * *

Claudia stirred when Luke rolled off her onto his back a few minutes later. His breathing was still irregular, as was hers. They didn’t move or say anything for long moments. Then Luke rolled on his side, slid his arm across her belly and pulled her close.

But Claudia resisted. She couldn’t do that. She could make love with him one last time, give her something to exist on in the long lonely nights to follow, but she couldn’t snuggle with him afterwards as if there were love between them.

As if he weren’t leaving tomorrow.

That would break her heart and she just couldn’t do it.

Luke frowned. ‘Claude?’

She rolled on her side, away from him. ‘Just go, Luke.’ He slid his hand onto her shoulder. ‘Claudia.’

‘I’m okay,’ she assured, shrugging his hand away. ‘I’m fine. But let’s not pretend this is something it’s not.’

Luke wanted to protest but ultimately he could see her point. They weren’t in a relationship. Staying the night with her would just make it harder in the morning. At least this way, they both knew where they stood.

He rolled to his side of the bed and pushed to his feet, adjusting his clothing. A sudden thought struck him. ‘You could be pregnant—we didn’t use a condom.’ Protection had been the last thing on his mind. He’d just needed to be inside her.

‘I’ve been on the pill since I was nineteen, Luke. I’m not pregnant.’

He shoved a hand through his hair. ‘I have to go, Claude.’

‘I know.’

‘I told you it was only temporary, that I’d have to go back eventually.’

‘I know.’

Luke looked down at her, her back stubbornly turned away. He hated the distance even though he’d been the one to implement it. He felt a sudden urge to explain. ‘My divorce...it was...hard. I can’t go there again.’

‘I’m not asking you to.’

Luke nodded. He knew that. But a part of him couldn’t help wish that she had. ‘Will I see you tomorrow?’

‘I’ll be round,’ she murmured.

He stared at her back, torn between leaving and climbing back into bed with her—consequences be damned. But he’d learned too much from bitter experience to know the perils of disregarding consequences. ‘Goodnight.’

Whether or not she answered he didn’t hear as he walked back to his room and shut the interconnecting door with a soft click.


‘Are you okay, dear?’ her mother asked as Claudia dashed past the reception desk on her way to the kitchen to check the hors d’oeuvres were on track to be served in half an hour.

‘Fine and dandy,’ she chirped, before disappearing into Tony’s domain.

Lena looked at Gloria. Avery and Jonah looked at each other. They were all poised to join the cocktail party down on the beach. ‘Oh, dear. I see what you mean.’

‘Yup,’ Avery murmured. ‘She’s all fine and dandy again.’

‘And she’s been like that since Luke left?’ Gloria asked.

Jonah, looking resplendent in a tux, grimaced. ‘Oh, yes. Two whole weeks of her fine and dandiness.’

Gloria tutted as she shook her head. ‘My son is an idiot.’

‘Yes,’ Lena agreed tersely. ‘He is.’

Gloria turned distressed eyes onto Jonah. ‘Can you talk some sense into him? He’ll listen to you.’

Jonah shrugged. ‘Unfortunately, Gloria, some things a man just has to figure out for himself.’

‘When was he supposed to arrive?’ Lena asked.