So she spilled. About the grope incident. About her walking in on him naked. About him walking in on her naked. And it felt so damn good to unburden it. It felt just like it used to do when they’d been teenagers, sharing all their angsty, hormone-ridden secrets.

‘So you do have a thing for Captain Sexypants?’ Avery, who had been remarkably quiet throughout, said.

‘No,’ Claudia denied, and when Avery gave her that watch it, Pinocchio look she just said, ‘I can’t. He’s Luke. He’s a friend I’ve known for ever. Our parents are best friends. He’s divorced and bitter on love. And he lives on the opposite side of the world.’

Claudia shook her head at Avery’s what-else-have you-got? eyebrow-raise. ‘He’s leaving, Avery.’

Avery reached out and grabbed her friend’s hand. ‘So was I,’ she said. ‘But I didn’t.’ Then she sprang off the bed. ‘It ain’t over till the fat lady sings,’ she said, sounding more American than ever. ‘And besides, I don’t think there’s any harm in letting Captain Sexypants know exactly what it is he’s leaving behind.’

Claudia watched her friend return to the wardrobe, pulling out dresses, wishing she had just an inch of Avery’s confidence. ‘I know just the one,’ she said.

Resigned to her fate, Claudia watched. ‘There’s that royal blue one I wear to our voodoo nights,’ she said.

‘Oh, no, no, no,’ Avery said, throwing dresses on the ground now. ‘I know exactly the one. The red velvety one. It flutters around your ankles, fits you like a glove, has that halter neck and huge side split.’

Claudia blanched at the suggestion. ‘I think that’s a bit OTT, don’t you?’

Avery’s voice was muffled as she disappeared into the cupboard a little more but Claudia could still make out her friend’s denial. ‘Nope. Raoul goes a little crazy every time you wear that dress and that’s exactly the effect you’re after.’ And then a few seconds later, she heard the proclamation, ‘Aha!’

Avery walked out of the cupboard brandishing the dress in question. ‘This one.’

Claudia shook her head. ‘No.’

Avery ignored her. ‘We’re going dancing. This is your dancing dress.’

‘It is?’

‘It is now.’ Avery grinned at her. ‘Try it on.’

‘Avery...’ Claudia glared at her best friend. ‘No.’

‘You know I’m just going to harp on about it all night until you do, so you might as well get it over with now.’

Claudia sighed at the truth of it. Avery could be very persistent, particularly after two glasses of wine. ‘Fine,’ she huffed, climbing off the bed. ‘Give it to me.’

Claudia took the dress from Avery and marched into the bathroom, quickly stripping off her uniform and throwing the dress over her head before marching back out again.

Avery beamed at her as she appeared. Then she reached over and pulled Claudia’s hair out of her ponytail, fluffing it up a little.

She grinned. ‘Well, hello, Kryptonite.’


They were at the first day-spa venue at nine o’clock the following morning. Jonah had left them to spend the morning checking up on Charter North, his exceedingly successful charter business, which he’d been neglecting to help the Tropicana back on its feet. He had a good second in command so he wasn’t worried, but he felt as if he should at least look in and check on progress. He was to join them again for lunch.

The first two spas were attached to hotels and the managers were happy to show them around. Avery and Claudia had a manicure and a pedicure at the first one while Luke sat at a table with his phone and his laptop. The second one they both indulged in facials and again Luke had the phone glued to his ear.

They caught up with Jonah at the marina for lunch. It was more of a business lunch with lots of constructive conversation about the pros and cons of what they’d seen so far and they were only interrupted once by Luke’s phone.

‘It’ll be interesting to see what the next place is like by comparison,’ Avery said as she sipped at an icy cold mineral water. ‘It’s a stand-alone and is very exclusive.’

‘More the kind of thing we’ll be doing,’ Luke said.

‘Yep.’ Avery nodded. ‘I’ve booked us all in for massages.’

Luke frowned. ‘What? I don’t want a massage.’

Claudia thought if anyone could do with a massage right now it was Luke. He’d been working all morning at his computer on some crisis or other that had cropped up overnight in London.