‘Right, that’s settled, then,’ Avery announced as she scraped her chair back and stood. ‘I’m going to go book us in at the spas and then the hotel.’

She looked directly at Claudia and Luke, who were sitting next to each other in the seats that had somehow, by silent majority, been relegated to them. ‘Do you guys want separate rooms or are you okay with twin share?’ she asked.

‘Separate,’ they both said in unison.

Avery shot them a mischievous grin before she practically skipped out of the room, and Claudia narrowed her eyes.

‘Guess we’re going dancing.’ Jonah grinned as he watched Avery go.

A flash of green satin trimmed with black ribbon floated through Luke’s mind. There was no way he was getting on that dance floor.

* * *

‘So what are you wearing out dancing?’ Avery asked Claudia later that evening as she sat on Claudia’s bed almost at the bottom of her second glass of wine and watching a movie on cable TV. It had become a regular thing for them ever since Avery had come to work at the Tropicana over a year ago—Friday night was girlfriend night.

It was something that Claudia always looked forward to and appreciated that Avery still tore herself away from the lovely Jonah to spend some quality time with her bestie. But tonight, Claudia wished Avery had let Jonah talk her into staying home.

‘Hadn’t thought about it,’ Claudia dismissed, hoping her voice sounded light and disinterested and didn’t betray the mass of nerves screwing her stomach into a tight ball.

Avery frowned at her. ‘What? I don’t believe it. You love to dance.’

Sure, she loved to dance. That was how she’d got involved with Raoul. Raoul ran the dance lessons at the Tropicana and had been her occasional lover for the last five years. But she didn’t want to sit all night and watch Luke dance with other women either. ‘Guess I’m just not in the mood,’ she said.

‘Oh, come on,’ Avery teased. ‘Raoul could be there. How long has it been since you guys hooked up?’

Claudia didn’t have to think about it—she knew exactly. ‘Since just before the resort got handed to me.’

Avery sat up, nearly spilling some of her wine. ‘That was nearly eighteen months ago.’ She sounded horrified.


Avery gaped at her nonchalant reply. ‘That’s an awful long time to go without some lovin’, Claude.’

Claudia gave an exasperated sigh. ‘I know you’re all loved up,’ she said, her tone as dry as powdery sand under a hot midday sun, ‘but, trust me, you don’t die from lack of sex, Avery.’

‘Yeah, but...what’s the point of living?’

Claudia laughed then, she couldn’t help herself. Avery’s expression was priceless. ‘I’ve been a little busy,’ she finally said.

Avery waggled her finger in front of her friend’s face. ‘All work and no play makes Claude a dull girl.’ She placed her wine glass down on the bedside table and slipped off the bed. ‘Let’s see what’s in your cupboard that might get Raoul’s pulse racing.’

Claudia watched her go, her enthusiasm for that idea utterly underwhelming. ‘I’m not going to hook up with Raoul in front of Luke,’ she grouched as Avery pulled open the cupboard doors.

Avery turned, a frown marring her forehead. ‘Why not?’

Claudia squirmed a little. The reason sounded stupid in her head—she could only imagine how dumb it was going to sound out loud.

‘Claude?’ Avery prompted.

Claudia knew that tone in her friend’s voice all too well. ‘It’ll be too...weird with Raoul...in front of Luke.’

Avery blinked. ‘Why?’

Claudia shook her head—she wished she knew. ‘I don’t know. It just would be.’

A sudden speculative spark flared to life in Avery’s shrewd eyes and she forgot the wardrobe as she returned to the bed and sat on the edge with one leg tucked up under her, the other firmly on the ground.

‘Is there something going on with you and Captain Sexypants?’ she asked.

Claudia almost laughed out loud, both at the nickname that seemed to have stuck and the preposterous suggestion. Something going on with her and Luke?


Even if he did know what she looked like naked and what her breast felt like. ‘No,’ she said.

Avery dropped her head slightly to the side as if she was trying to see deep into Claudia’s heart. ‘I think there’s stuff you’re not telling me, Ms Claude.’ She folded her arms. ‘Spill.’

Claudia thought long and hard about keeping what had gone on between her and Luke to herself, but a part of her wanted to get it off her chest so badly, to analyse it to death in that secret girly-gossip way she used to enjoy with Avery, she could hardly bear it any more.