Holy fuck.

“Look, you’re—”

“It’s okay,” she repeated. “Let’s just…let it lie. Your secret is safe with me. Really.”

And he could see in her eyes that was the truth. Acceptance shone through, bright and undeniable.

But…how? Why wasn’t she terrified? Why wasn’t she running for the hills, screaming bloody murder?


I could hurt you. He’d warned her.

No… You can’t. She’d said. You won’t. Trust me.

And that’s when it all fell into place for him!

The smell of her blood was intoxicating. It stirred his soul as much as her beauty did. But the taste of it…wasn’t…right.

“Shit,” he whispered. The tip of his tongue swiped at the bead that had lingered on his bottom lip and he paid close attention to the taste and texture of her blood.


Absolutely nothing.

There was no sticky, coppery flavor. There was nothing about her blood that reminded him of the human blood he’d sampled his first few decades as a vampire, before he’d banned himself from indulging in that insanity and had found other ways in which to satiate his need and sustain his existence.

She didn’t taste like a human. Or a mortal. Her bland blood didn’t match the aromatic bouquet that had filled his nose all week.

And she knew about him.

Knew about vampires.


Because she is one.

The realization slammed into him as hard as he’d hit the wall.

“Bev,” he said, an elation he’d never known before gripping him tightly, exciting him.

Because this meant so much!

It was true! He couldn’t hurt her. Ever!

And he didn’t have to hold her at arm’s length after all they’d experienced tonight. There was no longer a need to worry about her reaction to his secret. No need to fear he’d kill her if he lost full control with her. No need to agonize over living the rest of his eternity without her!


“No!” she shrieked, cutting him off. Her eyes popped open, wider than ever. Her hands flew into the air, releasing the sheet so it fell to the ground. Momentarily distracting him. But then she rushed on. “Don’t say anything else. Just leave it like this. Please, I’m begging you, don’t—”

“But you’re immortal too!”

“No! Oh god, no!” She turned away from him, made a strange, strangled sound and then sank to her knees.

“Bev!” He rushed to her side. “Sweetheart…it’s okay. Everything’s okay.”

Isn’t it?