He shifted one hand and pushed a long finger deep into her wet pussy.

“Cane!” She gripped him tighter, her nails digging into him through the thin material of his shirt. “Oh god.”

She rocked slightly and he picked up her rhythm. He stroked her tight cunt with two fingers now as his mouth worked her quivering flesh. He licked and sucked her clit, worked her a little more frantically until she cried out. Her orgasm hit hard and fast and Cane pushed his fingers further into her contracting pussy to heighten and prolong the sensation. Wanting to give her even more. Everything he possessed.

She was vitally important to him. A part of him now in so many ways.

No turning back. He wanted her in whatever capacity he could manage that would not defy the humanity he’d worked so hard to restore.

Her hands moved to his head, threading through his hair. She tugged on the strands, likely unaware of it. She whimpered softly, rode the wave. Her legs trembled.

He stared up at her, loving the way she gave herself over, completely, to the sensations that consumed her. The feelings he evoked. The satisfaction he gave her. With her head thrown back, her lips parted, her eyes closed, she was an erotic vision he’d never tire of seeing.

Withdrawing his fingers from her dripping cunt, he kissed his way up the length of her. Standing before her, his cock throbbing, his mind reeling, he fought for his own composure. He wanted to make her come again. Over and over. He wanted to pleasure her until she begged him to fuck her.

But to not be buried inside her now, thrusting into her until they both exploded… Damn, it was all he could do not to take her hard and fast this very second.

His mouth swept over her exposed throat and her blood stirred his soul, as always.

“That was incredible,” she whispered, her eyes still closed, her head still back on her shoulders. Long, tousled strands of hair clung to her neck. Her skin was dewy from the humidity and her arousal.

“Get naked with me,” she said. He could hear the smile in her voice, the relaxation she felt from her release. But there was also the underlying desire that told him she wanted—needed—more.

He stared down at her. When her eyes opened, they burned with lust. And satisfaction.

Her hands were shaky as she pushed at his opened shirt, shoving the material down his arms and to the floor. Then she reached for his belt. As she worked the silver buckle, Cane mentally prepared himself for the fervor building within him. The powerful sensations that made his gut coil tight and his groin strain to the point of pain.

Careful, he warned himself again.

The sound of his zipper sliding down the track was swallowed up by the crash of thunder and the sizzle of lightning. Damn close. He could feel the heat from the prongs that lit the night. But it was nothing compared to the heat that seared him to the core of his being as Bev’s fingers pushed his pants and briefs down his legs and then her long fingers were wrapped around his cock and it was all he could do not to bend her over the

table and fuck her hard from behind.

His fists clenched at his sides. He didn’t dare touch her. His eyes squeezed shut when she eased to her knees before him and then her warm, soft lips were on him. From base to tip, she teased him with her mouth, her tongue stroking before her lips closed around his head.

“Goddamn,” he ground out. “Bev…” He swallowed hard. “Careful, baby.” This time he had to say it out loud. For both of them.

But she didn’t get it. Didn’t understand the tightrope he walked. The thin strand of composure that was rapidly unraveling.

Instead, she seemed to put her heart and soul into pleasuring him. “Bevelyn.” His voice was rough. His restraint slipping. “Jesus.”

Her head bobbed as she picked up the pace, sliding up and down his erect shaft. Cane wanted to touch her, to twine his fingers in her hair and force her into a faster rhythm. Precisely the reason he kept his hands balled at his sides. He couldn’t unfurl his fingers. Couldn’t push them through her silky strands as he pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. Because then he really would lose all control.

She took as much of him as she could and though it was pure heaven—better than that—he wanted more. He wanted to be burrowed in her warmth and wetness to the very hilt. He wanted to be inside her, the muscles of her tight pussy squeezing him, milking him.

This was heaven and hell. Triumph and torture. Pleasure and pain.

When her fingernails grazed his balls, Cane could take no more.

“Bev,” he said sharply as his hands clutched her upper arms, pulling her away from him, forcing her to relinquish her erotic grip on him as he hauled her to her feet.

She stared at him in bewilderment. But only for half a second. Realization dawned so quickly, she smiled.

“I want that too,” she said, the corners of her lush, talented mouth tilting further upward.

His hands gripped her hips and he lifted her up and onto the round table that was the centerpiece of the foyer. The chandelier overhead dripped cut crystals that sparkled in the soft light emitted from the small bulbs.

Though really it was the lightning from yet another freak thunderstorm that provided the major source of illumination in the room.