“I’ll take care of them.”

Reaching the third floor, she pointed to the room on the right. He already knew that was her bedroom.

It smelled of flowers and rain and all things fresh and fragrant.

It smelled of Bev.

Earthy yet rich and aromatic. Tempting. Tantalizing.

He set her gently in the middle of the king-size bed, covered with a lavender-colored satin duvet. Then he shut the French doors that led to her balcony. He left the room to close the rest of the doors. All the while he wondered what the hell had just happened. What had she just thought about that had made her go stiff in his arms when she’d been so damned soft and pliable all night?

What had freaked her out or alarmed her or—


It hit him like an anvil on the head.

What a colossal idiot he was.

No condom!

Chapter Seven

Bev sat on the edge of her bed, staring out into the dark night as fat raindrops pelted the wood-encased glass panes of the French doors. The thunder and lightning had retreated, becoming a distant rumble and a faint ripple through the clouds. She imagined the last hour or so had probably scared the crap out of the people in town. She had no doubt the thunderstorm had raged severely when she and Cane had unleashed their own storm. Of the erotic variety. She’d missed what was happening outside, so caught in the throes of passion that she’d eventually tuned out everything except the man that had made her feel more alive in one night than she had in over six hundred years.

The way he touched her, made love to her. The things he said to her. The way he made her feel…

She closed her eyes and sighed. A smile touched her lips, despite her dilemma. Despite her precarious predicament.

She was so very fucked. In more ways than one.

And yet…

“You’re okay, then?”

His deep, intimate voice filled her quiet room. She hadn’t even heard him enter, so stealthy was he. Nodding, she opened her eyes and said, “Just a moment of panic over…” She waved a hand dismissively in the air.

“Yeah. I know. I hadn’t thought about that. I’m sorry.”

Her head cocked to the side and she stared curiously at him. “Thought about what?”


“Oh!” Holy Christ. Neither had she. And hadn’t she begged him to come inside her? “I’m on the Pill.” Perpetually.

He eyed her closely. “That’s not what you were panicked over?”

“What? Oh yes. Actually, it was.” She hated to lie to him, but it was the perfect cover for her massive faux pas, so she went with it. “I’m just… My brain’s a little scrambled.” She laughed. That part was definitely not a lie!

Cane grinned as he came further into her room, seemingly filling the large space with his broad frame and commanding presence. Good lord, he was a dreamboat of a man! Tall, hunky…gloriously naked!

And what an amazing lover!

Her body still burned from his touch, from everything he’d done to her, and now her clit tingled at the mere sight of him. And the remembrance of their wild and wicked ride.

Yes, she was definitely screwed. Especially now that the rain was falling freely.

Cane had evoked the deepest of her emotions, had pulled them all to the surface. And she’d let them consume her, run rampant. She’d experienced the gamut of the rain god’s powers as though she’d channeled Tlaloc this evening. Not a good thing when it was imperative she keep her secret to herself.