The way Cane looked at her and touched her and seemed to need to please her…there was so much more to their attraction than just physical chemistry. She felt an uncommon sense of belonging with him. To him.

A feeling she could not explain, but which was impossible to deny.

Unfortunately, her euphoria warred with her sensibility. The truths she knew to be absolute and finite. In her heart, she knew better than to let go like this. But when she’d urged Cane to do just that, she’d committed to doing the same.

Knowing that, come morning, the smartest thing for her to do would be to leave town.

A realization refusing to be banished to the back of her mind, no matter how hard she attempted to lock it away.

There could be no future here. Not with this man. Not when she was immortal and he was not.

But there was tonight. This one beautiful evening when she didn’t have to deny her lust. Her desire. Her passion.

Tomorrow would come with repercussions and they would be shockingly painful, she had no doubt. Innately, she would grieve a loss she’d never anticipated experiencing. One she’d fortified herself against all this time.

One she was willing to endure for this one perfect night with this one perfect man.

Cane was beyond temptation, for reasons exceeding physical desire. Though these reasons mystified and terrified her, she would not shun them. Would fully embrace them, inviting something explosive and spectacular into her life that she had avoided for six hundred years.

As her fingers glided over the supple skin that covered the thickest, fullest cock she’d ever seen in her six centuries of existence—had ever had the pleasure to touch and hold—he seemed to work very hard at not giving up his control and thrusting deep into her.

She wanted him to give up his control. She wanted him to be wild and reckless along with her.

For tonight.

One night.

If the gods were on her side, the worst she’d have to contend with in the aftermath was living the rest of her eternity with this decision. One she’d already made. One she couldn’t change.

Didn’t want to change.

Propped on the edge of the foyer table and opened wide to him, her fingers wrapped around Cane’s steel erection. She invited him inside her body with a look. A soft smile. An invitation she issued with her eyes…the sharp intake of her breath…the anticipation that no doubt radiated from every pore of her body.

“I want you,” she told him, her tone low and intimate. “More than you can possibly know.”

A slight shake of his head made a dark lock of hair dislodge fro

m his unruly ‘do and fall across his forehead. “No,” he whispered, his voice full of need. “You have no idea how intense…how powerful this need is within me.”

The intensity of his words and the tight strain in his voice told her he was pulled in as deeply as she was. As lost as she was. And that made this precipice steeper. Deadlier. But there was no stepping back from the ledge.

She urged him forward with an oh-so-gentle tug at the base of his cock. When the tip of his rock-hard erection rubbed against her swollen lips, she let out a low moan filled with desire and the unmistakable need to feel him inside her tingling pussy.

Sliding her fingers up his shaft, she glided the head of his penis along her slick folds, reveling in the feel of him. The lust he so easily commanded.

She could drown in the burning look that flashed in his dark eyes.

Bev slid her hand beneath his steel rod and pushed against him, loving the feeling of his wide tip pressing against her opening. His hips eased forward in a restrained way, as though he were clinging to every ounce of composure he possessed.

She didn’t want him to resist. Didn’t want him to hold back.

What she wanted was to feel his cock fill her completely as he thrust into her, hard and fast.

“Cane.” Her voice, thick with need, filled the small room. Audible over the rumble of thunder, the sizzle of lightning and the sweep of ceiling fans, it held a desperate plea. “I want to feel you inside me. I need to feel you inside me.”

Her heart seemed to swell along with his cock. This wasn’t just physical need for her. It was an emotional fulfillment she’d never allowed herself to consider, to contemplate. To wish or hope for. To dream of…

“Damn it,” he ground out. As though he had emotional demons of his own to fight. “Bev, I…” He shook his head and groaned. Then his rigid body seemed to go limp as he leaned forward, into her, pressing his cock harder against her opening. Pressing into her. Pushing deep.