Page 10 of IOU Sex

I sighed. “It’s not just about doing what my family expects or wants me to do.” I crossed the hardwood floor to his king-size bed and sat on the corner of it. “I have something to prove.”

“No, you don’t.” He moved away from the archway and sat beside me. “You got screwed by your sister and Seth. Neither were the least bit contrite or apologetic about it. And your parents overlooked the slight because of how desperately they want to merge two powerful families.”

“How do you know all of this?” I asked, because he was dead-on.

“I spent several afternoons with them when we were together, remember? Doesn’t take a genius to see that your family doesn’t care who marries Seth Corbett as long as it’s someone bearing the Carlisle name.”

I let out a huffy breath because he was absolutely right. It infuriated me and embarrassed me that I was so gullible, so malleable. “My parents arranged the meeting between us. Encouraged us to date. Were thrilled to pieces when we moved in together—into the apartment they bought for us, no less. Our mothers pushed for an engagement. Meanwhile…Lizzie was having trouble at Boston University, not living up to the Carlisle name or reputation.”

“Marrying Seth changes all of that,” he pointed out. “Plus, it helps her get back at you for being the smarter, prettier sister.”

“I don’t subscribe to that,” I admitted. “Life isn’t about being smarter or prettier than someone else. Or taking away what they have in order to make you feel special.”

He grinned at me. “That’s why I like you so much. You’re just you.”

I eyed him for a moment then said, “But you’re trying to make me something I’m not.”

“No,” he was quick to reply. “I’m not trying to make you anything. I’m just trying to get you to own up to your feelings. Accept them.”

“Not when they have the potential to be detrimental to me,” I told him. “You of all people know I can never again go through what I experienced with Seth.”

He frowned. “You’re essentially lumping me onto the same shit pile as him.”

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

He challenged me with a stern look.

I smiled, busted yet again. “Okay, yes.” I took his hand in mine and gave it a quick squeeze as a nonverbal mea culpa. “I lump all men onto the shit pile these days. But…I know you’re different. I’m not trying to make you feel like a heel. I’m just trying to spare myself more heartache. Can you understand that?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I guess so.”

We were both silent for a few moments. I was surprised by how much we’d both owned up to tonight, but it felt good to talk about all the messiness in my life and the peculiarities of our friendship.

He lifted my hand to his warm lips and kissed it. A very sweet and oh-so-Michael-like gesture. “I get the reason why you plan to go to the party tomorrow. I don’t agree with it because I think you’re setting yourself up for more bullshit from your family. But I do get it.”

I smiled again. “That’s because you get me.”

“Yeah, I do. So I’ll go with you.” He rested our entwined hands in his lap. “You and I will go for the fun of it. The booze, the food, the dancing. We’ll have a great time, and it’ll drive your family insane to see us enjoying ourselves while they all bicker about who’s more successful and who works harder. We’ll have a blast. To hell with them.”

I felt the waterworks start again because he truly was a very special person and I adored him more than words could ever express, despite my overwhelming paranoia of being swallowed up by my attraction to him. I’d had enough of the tears for one night, though, so I pushed them back. “You really are the best.”

He grinned that cocky grin that made my heart flutter. “You’re gonna owe me, yanno?”

I laughed. “That’s why I brought the Scotch.”

“Oh, no.” A playful glint lit his blue eyes. “That’s not going to cut it this time. I’m going into the lion’s den with you, babe. Tomorrow is a date. I want you to treat it like one.”

I stared at him for a moment because I could practically see the wheels churning in his head. “And?”

“And,” he added with a grin, “I want it to last the entire weekend. Starting tonight.”

He continued to stun me. My emotions were running high this evening. Yet this was one man who knew how to keep up with them…and push the limits with me.

“Does this date include I.O.U. sex?” I had to ask.

“As a matter of fact…” He winked.

My insides heated up all over again. He had that effect on me. Perhaps, subconsciously, I’d known going into this that we’d end up sleeping together. It was time to admit that was exactly what I wanted. Maybe even more than the favor.