“Maxi,” Staci gently scolded her. “Loving the shoes is no reason to be in pain all day.”

“Ah, but Stace…” she said on a dreamy sigh. “Ryan gives me foot massages at night that are pretty much to die for. He might stop offering if I begin wearing sensible flats.”

Staci laughed softly. “You will do anything to get that man’s hands on your body.”

“You’ve got that right, sister.”

“Still…” The corner of Staci’s mouth dipped again. “This is a serious consideration.”

“Kev the evil ex used to say beauty is pain. My motto is that he was the real pain in my life.”

“So glad you came to your senses with that one. Total asshole.”

“Lying, cheating asshole,” Maxi corrected. “I certainly kissed my fair share of toads before I found the right man.”

Staci finally smiled. “You and Ryan are sensational together.”

“And not just here at work.” Maxi winked.

“Please, don’t remind me of what I’m not getting outside these walls. It’s been many moons since anyone has rubbed my feet…or any other sensitive part of my body.”

“Stace, you’ve been twenty-four-seven shoe crisis—you haven’t had time for anything else.”

“I don’t know,” she mused. “I’ve been pretty hard-core for six years, getting this entire organization up and running. Yet I always managed to find time for a little some-some on the side.” She wagged her brows. “Until recently. But what can I say about that, really? This is my dream, my true passion. I wasn’t finding the specific shoes I wanted for a reasonable price, so I invented Staci Kay Shoes and filled my own closet with every style imaginable.”

“Along with millions of other women’s closets,” Maxi said.

“We’re all kindred spirits.”

“Agreed. However,” Maxi countered, “now that the fires are out at work, perhaps you ought to think about reigniting them in your bedroom. You’ve never lacked for a hot and hunky man who’s desperate to do your bidding.”

“I will admit, I wouldn’t mind ringing one up who’s ready, willing, and able to sin,” she said in wistful tone. “But I still have too much business on the brain to shut it down and just…enjoy.”

Maxi stood and stretched. Slipped back into her heels. “Then come over to my condo tonight. Ryan’s making osso buco. There’s always plenty of food when he cooks. And there’s no reason for you to be home alone on a Friday night.”

“Jesus, you two are like newlyweds.”

“Don’t rush us down the aisle just yet,” Maxi chided. “We still have Lola’s wedding to get through. Now that her marketing campaign has fully launched, and we’re getting our operational issues under control, you and I need to plan her bridal shower and think about all that other girly-girl stuff that goes along with being maid of honor and bridesmaid.”

“It was really very sweet that she included me in the bridal party,” Staci said. “When she worked here in Baltimore with us, she always seemed a bit terrified of me. Then I showed up in the Scottsdale office for her ad campaign presentation and I thought she’d hit the floor, she was so shocked to see me.”

“She admires how fierce you are,” Maxi told her. “We all bow down to you, Goddess of Shoes. And you’re a sexy whip-cracker to boot. Do you really tie men to your bedposts?”

Staci’s brow jerked upward at the unexpected question so casually lobbed her way.

“That’s the rumor,” Maxi followed up with a little snicker. “How do you think Lola Vonn came up with her marketing pitch of a successful, lingerie-wearing woman whipping the big bad world of business and romance into shape?”

“Yeah, right,” Staci scoffed as she collected her things and stood. “Romance? You see a ring on my finger?” She held up her left hand and wiggled the fingers.

“Well, I did always assume that you weren’t into getting hitched. So many men, so little time…”

Staci knew she’d likely perpetuated that image because she had a stable full of single male friends and associates who willingly stepped in when she needed a man on her arm for a business or social function. But the truth was, she’d put her heart and soul into Staci Kay Shoes and it had left very little time for anything else, aside from promoting the company’s image and brand.

Not to mention, Staci had never sparked with a man in such a way that she would juggle some of her work obligations in order to spend the kind of time with him that could lead to a serious relationship.

Sure, there were plenty of her friends whom she found attractive. Ones she occasionally scratched the itch with. But no one who really lit her up enough to take a chance on.

So, yes…she was pretty much resigned to the single life.