God, he was sexy!

Angst and a razor-sharp edge radiated from him and called to Maxi. So that she found herself involuntarily taking several steps around her desk, closer to Ryan.

Yes, she was a magnet. He was steel.

But was there a point to their powerful and unwavering attraction to each other?

Maxi had stood up to Kev the last time he’d ripped her apart, and she absolutely refused to play the sucker again. Ever.

Ryan said, “Elizabeth came to my office to try to get me back—I won’t dispute that. I told her that would never happen. And I meant it. Never.”

“I saw you with your glasses off, Ryan,” Maxi told him, the mist returning to her eyes. “Elizabeth’s fingers were wrapped around your tie. Her coat had obviously been tossed off in the heat of passion. Are you honestly telling me you hadn’t just kissed her or weren’t about to?”

Lord, this was agonizing—to have to keep reliving that moment!

And now rehashing it in front of Staci. How much humiliation could one person stand?

Maxi fought the anger burning through her veins as Ryan continued.

“Elizabeth got upset and lost her temper again—because I refused to reconcile with her. She slammed her hand down on my desk, onto a packet of mustard that burst open and splattered all over me. That was why I took my glasses off. And she stepped in to help by removing my tie and cleaning it.”

Maxi planted her hands on her hips. Her teeth ground together.

It was an incredibly far-fetched scenario. Which made it oh so conceivable.

But could she believe it was true? Could she believe in Ryan?

Standing so close to him reminded her of how well they’d worked together as partners leading their division. Not to mention how hot and heavy they got with each other. His nearness excited her even now. At this crucial moment when she really needed to keep her wits about her so she wasn’t duped.

Ryan said, “It all happened rather quickly. I swear I shooed her out of my office and demanded she never return. Anne Phelps bore witness—ask her yourself. It is over, Maxi. There isn’t anything under the sun that Elizabeth could have said—or could say—to make me change my mind. I’m happy to be freed of her. Honestly.”

He took a step closer, minimizing the gap between them to mere inches. She inhaled his delicious scent and it made her a little hazy in the brain.

He removed his glasses, and Maxi got lost in melted chocolate irises.

Ryan said, “I’ve come to realize that what I had with Elizabeth was never love. It was warped and convoluted. I don’t know what I was thinking or how I got so caught up in something that didn’t make any sense. I can’t fully explain it. But I sure as hell know now that it wasn’t love.” He speared Maxi with a solemn look. “You’re the one I want. The only one I want. That is the absolute truth. Because just like you, Maxi… I’m starting to fall in love too. And I want it. With you.”

“Oh, God.” Staci sighed and dabbed at the corner of her eyes with a fingertip. “That is so sweet. Isn’t that sweet, Maxi?”

More tears filled Maxi’s eyes, but she managed to glare at her friend. “Maybe you don’t need to be here for this.”

“Right!” Staci hopped-to. “Make-up sex is the absolute best, so I’ll leave you to it!” She scooted toward the door.

Maxi said, “We haven’t made up.”

“What else is there to say?” Ryan quietly demanded. “I heard what you told Staci before I came in, and even if I hadn’t overheard your conversation, I know how you feel about me. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it when you kiss me, when I’m inside you.”

“Ryan! Staci’s still in the room!”

Their boss lingered at the doorway.

Ryan spun around, and Staci gave a little waggle of her fingers. “You two are really very explosive together,” she said. “And by the way, the reason I stopped in to begin with is to say that I found new facilities for us. A friend of a friend has a building here in town that he’s considering renovating and turning into residential lofts. It’s not currently on the market for sale or rent, and he thought some additional cash flow before he starts construction would be beneficial. So it’s a temporary fix, but it give

s us six months to come up with an alternative. Now I’m gone!” She breezed out the door.

“This is such a bizarre working environment,” Ryan muttered.

“Not always.”