If she didn’t deliver a sound plan to pull all their asses from the flames, the company just might go under.

A distressing thought for all the obvious reasons—including the disappointment of their customers and the loss of a valiant dream. But also because Maxi had recently purchased her first condo, and it’d be a damn shame to go into foreclosure if she couldn’t pay the mortgage.

So she marched to the front of the room, her chin lifted, her shoulders squared.

Everyone was settled with coffee and Danishes. Avril placed the box of folders on the floor near the head of the table, where Maxi’s nameplate sat, and awaited Maxi’s cue to pass them out.

Maxi’s palms were a bit clammy, but she made eye contact with each person.


These are your colleagues.

People who know you; people who know what you’ve achieved over the past six years.

That helped to bring her panic level down a few notches. Kept her from wringing her hands so she could project a more stable, calm presence.

“Good morning, everyone,” she said in a surprisingly steady voice, when she’d actually feared it might crack. “Thank you so much for being here. As you’re all aware, we’re facing a very complex situation, and it’s going to require our collective brain power to come up with a solution.”

She turned to Avril and nodded, giving the signal to distribute the packets.

Maxi’s assistant knelt to retrieve the folders, but straightened quickly when the door swung open and a tall, dark-haired, broad-shouldered man wearing a tailored navy suit and wire-rimmed glasses blew in, nabbing everyone’s attention.

Maxi’s in particular.

The breath she’d finally gotten under control escaped her on a hard rush of air.

He was gorgeous, despite the scholarly specs and impeccably polished wing-tipped shoes.

Seriously gorgeous.

“Think I’ve finally found the correct room,” the mystery man declared, his Australian accent thick and…sexy?

Maxi’s brow quirked.

Whoa, where had that thought come from?

The stranger strode toward her and gave her an impish grin that revealed straight, pearl-white teeth. “My apologies for the intrusion. And for being late. Do you realize this building has thirty-two conference rooms, three of which start with ‘Gold: Operations’—and the office map does not indicate which room is A, B, or C?”

“I—um…” Huh. He had her instantly tongue-tied, especially over the extreme amount of virility exuding from him. The self-assured poise. The masculinity.

She took in his refined appearance, but then her gaze fixated on his ruggedly handsome face, his strong features. Square jaw. Chiseled cheeks. Glowing, dark-brown eyes that instantly made her crave melted Godiva chocolate drizzled over lush, velvety strawberries.

Exhilaration rippled through her as it always did at the mere notion of dessert—her favorite meal of the day. Or perhaps it was him?

Hmm. Very odd.

Chocolate-covered strawberries should be the last thing to pop into her mind—and why was she thinking of them while checking out the hunky Aussie, who’d interrupted her when it took substantial nerve to stand before all of these executives while tensions were running so high?

Because he looks sinfully delicious?

She shook her head, trying to dislodge her wayward thoughts, and said, “I haven’t seen an office map in years. I wouldn’t know.”

His grin deepened. And it was a stunner, lighting the rims of his dark eyes.

A flash of heat between her legs and low in her belly jolted her. She forced back a gasp.

What the hell?