“What other paths are you traveling?” she asked as they stepped into the elevator and the doors closed.

“Prosthetics. I have several ideas for improvements and have sketched them out, documenting them, but I haven’t reached the point yet where I’m ready for prototypes. That makes it difficult to keep up with the evolution of an ever-changing field, but then again…It’s not my area of expertise, so I suppose it’s more of hobby at the moment.”

“Geez, Ev. That’s pretty incredible.” She kissed his cheek. “What is it about feet that made you decide on them as your specialty?”

“Ah, shit,” he lightly grumbled.

“What?” She linked her arm in his and gazed up at him. “Tell me. For real.”

“Talk about the Clark Kent story. I was the water boy for the junior varsity football team. A self-imposed job, so that I could tell my mom I had practice every time she wanted me at the lab.”

“The lab?”

“She’s worked on numerous successful medications and vaccines, but is currently at the disposal of a privately funded organization studying Alzheimer’s and its potential cures.”

“Wow. That’s impressive. Clearly overachieving runs in the family.”

“Yes, it does.”

They reached the ground floor and exited the elevator.

As they walked through the large marble lobby of the building, Evan said, “I love her, don’t get me wrong. In fact, I worry incessantly about her because she can go for days without eating—totally forgets when she’s so wrapped up in her equations and striving for positive outcomes. But the truth is, we never had a close relationship. Growing up with her in a huge house was sort of like living in an apartment building where you only passed that neighbor in the hallway on occasion. We possibly sat down together twice a week for brief intervals, but only to discuss things like molecules and blood types and advanced techniques to improve mental functions.”

“When you were how old?”

“From the time I could talk.”


They passed through the tall glass doors held open by a doorman, and Evan directed her to a black limo. The driver apparently saw them approach, because he alighted from the car and opened the back door. Staci scooted in. Evan followed, pulling his overcoat taut as he slid across the leather seat. He gave the driver directions, and they were off.

She said, “You didn’t really answer my initial question. Though I do appreciate that you told me about your mom.”

He leaned over and kissed her.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Except…You spark the desire to kiss you.”

Staci’s stomach fluttered. “You’re really very special, Evan.”

He kissed her again. The passionate, no-holds-barred kind of kiss he pulled out when she least expected it.

When he finally broke the kiss, she was breathless.

Staci waved a black-leather-gloved hand in front of her face.

“Damn, Ev,” she said on a ragged breath. “For a foot guy, you really are all about the lips.”

He let out a healthy laugh. “I swear, you’re amusing in the most incredibly endearing way. You just…” He shook his head.

“I just what?”

“You make me see things differently than what I’m used to.”

Staci tore her gaze from his and stared out the side window. She watched the snowy Manhattan sidewalks crawl by in the midmorning traffic. She really found the city beautiful, especially this time of year.
