“Because I work and travel all the time.”

She gave this the consideration it was due before saying, “There has to have been someone—”


“No?” His abrupt answer had taken her aback.


“As in…never?”

“I’ve dated. Scratched the itch from time to time, naturally,” he said in a nonchalant tone. “But I’ve never been interested in a relationship.” His gaze lifted from her foot to her face. “Until now.”

More of the warm fuzzies she’d been feeling most of the evening engulfed her. But something disconcerting ate at her. “You’ve never been in love?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”


He sighed. “No. I’ve never been in love. I’ve never gotten involved like that.”

“Wow.” She reached for a crystal flute that had been set out for them and took a long sip. Then she said, “I’m shocked.”


“Because once you get over being gruff and obstinate, you’re really quite—”

His brow jerked up.

“Well, don’t be offended,” she huffed, “but you’re actually extremely romantic. I mean, come on, Evan. All of this,” she said as she made a sweeping gesture with the hand holding the champagne glass. “And the foot massage and carrying me and…You’re always making sure I’m steady on my feet.”

“It’s the damn shoes,” he grumbled.

She saw right through him, and it touched her heart. She knew he was feigning annoyance. “Liar. You have a sensitive side. But don’t worry.” She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial tone. “I won’t tell anyone.”

“You’d better not. I get a lot of mileage out of being revered. If word gets around that I’m a softie because of some gorgeous redhead with legs that won’t quit and a smile that’s like a sucker punch to the gut…Jesus. It’ll be all over for me.”

She laughed. “Wow. So dramatic. You must have sisters.”


Staci sighed obnoxiously. “Here we go again. Okay, this is how getting to know each other works, Dr. Hart. I say something, ask a question, whatever. You give an answer that doesn’t involve just one syllable. See how easy that is?” She winked. “Now…any siblings?”

“I am an only child.” He said this slowly, drawing out each word.

Staci splashed him with her free hand. “Now who’s the smartass?”

He chuckled.

She continued her line of questioning. “Where did you grow up?”

“You seriously didn’t read my CV before contacting me?”


“Curriculum vitae.”

She smirked. “What the hell is a curriculum vitae?”