But boy, did she come around fast.

“You are such an asshole!” she erupted. “First of all, I had no fucking clue who you were—didn’t even fully realize it until ten minutes ago. So dial down the ego about a million notches, Dr. Evan Hart. Second, I was locked out. Third, I wasn’t trying to tug heartstrings. Oh, my God, do you really have any? And finally—you propositioned me!”

He stared at her. His gut clenching. His groin tightening. His heart thundering.

Never had a woman sent him into sensory overload like she did.

She’d done it at the Four Seasons. Was doing it again now.

Evan rubbed his set jaw. Tried to get a grip on a situation that was spiraling out of control.

In the calmest tone he could muster, he said, “Tell me honestly that you didn’t know who I was that night. Because it is damn coincidental that we randomly met and then you started hounding me to speak with you about shoes.”

“Break out a Bible, Doc,” she said with an edge to her voice—and a tinge of something else. Hurt over his accusation? “I swear I had no idea. The coincidence was that you were apparently attending a conference at the same hotel where I’d planned a shoe show for my newest line. I was much too keyed up afterward to sleep and went for ice. My mind was clearly preoccupied, and I walked out without my key. Without flipping the security latch. That is the truth.”

She glared a bit longer. Her chest heaved, and it was a real bitch keeping his gaze from fixating on it. Except that her beautiful face did a good job of holding his attention. Especially the tawny eyes, as they misted.

“I was alone, okay?” she admitted. “On one of the most important nights of my life, I was alone. Everyone else I knew was snuggled under the covers with someone, but not me. So, yeah, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. That was no ploy. No ruse. I was really and truly…lonely.”

The corners of her mouth quivered, evoking all those feelings he’d experienced when he’d come across her in the hallway.

She gave a sharp shake of her head, as though to shake off her agitation and emotional turmoil.

Evan felt like hell.

Particularly when she quietly added, “So thank you very much for making me feel even worse right now.”

“Oh, Jesus.” Now his heart twisted. “Miss Kay…Liz…”

“Staci,” she ground out.

“Right. Staci.” He took a few moments to digest how her name rolled so easily off his tongue and caused his groin to tighten further. “Look. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to insult you or make you feel bad. Honestly, I’m not. I just find it so hard to believe that—”

“Well fucking believe it,” she simply said, as she crossed her arms over that enticing chest of hers.

Damn, the woman did things to him. Stirred emotions, made him hot, made him confess, “I liked your spunk at the hotel. As much as I liked your legs. I apologize for being an ass. I’m under a lot of pressure right now, but that’s no excuse. And I just…I don’t like games. I told you that when we met.”

“Then don’t play one with me. You were going to pretend you didn’t recognize me and send me on my way. That’s bullshit.”

“Yes.” He wouldn’t lie. “That is bullshit. But I thought you’d devised our initial meeting.”

“If that were the case, I would have asked for your help after you’d fucked me.”

He also folded his arms over his chest. “Instead you slipped out. Without a word. And no phone number.”

“I didn’t want you to know who I was because…I mean, come on. We had sex within five seconds of meeting each other. I don’t exactly need that on the street, especially with all the hoopla about my company at the hotel centered around my show.”

“I did find it absurdly ironic that there was a shoe convention during a podiatry conference.”

“It wasn’t a convention,” she corrected. “It was the launch of my new line. Totally different. And a very big deal.”

Her sass was returning. Good. Because he didn’t like that he’d hurt her feelings.

He asked, “Can we please just start all over again? I will concede I’ve been a prick. I’ll apologize in writing, if need be. But I’d prefer to get back to our original discussion. And take a peek at your ankles after that little spill you took.”

She stared at him for endless seconds. Evan actually held his breath, wondering if she was going to rail at him some more…or accept his olive branch.

Eventually, Staci caved. “So, if I let you inspect my body parts, are you going to chastise me for my choice in footwear?”