Chapter Eight

Alex had a client dinner, so Lola took the opportunity to hang out with a few of her college friends. They hit the trendy Scottsdale scene, intending to bar-hop, but not getting past the hot new Maya Day & Night Club, where they danced until last call.

When she got back to the condo, it was dark and quiet. She was tempted to wake Alex and show him just how much she appreciated the flowers he’d sent. She’d barely managed to get them into her car so she could display them on the kitchen table.

But it was late and she was pretty buzzed. Luckily, one of the girls had agreed to be the DD for the group, since she was two months pregnant and sipping nothing stronger than iced tea.

Lola changed into a nightie, climbed into bed, and was asleep within seconds.

* * *

She woke the next morning to a delicious aroma mixed with the blessed scent of strong coffee.

She padded barefoot into the kitchen.

“Hey,” Alex said, all hot and sexy in his black briefs, grinning so seductively she almost forgot about the food and coffee. Almost. She was starving. And hungover.

“Whatever you’ve made smells fantastic.”

“Loaded omelets and breakfast potatoes.” He handed her a plate piled high.

“You’re really too good to be true, Alex.”

He chuckled. “They’re just eggs, Lo.”

“Hardly.” She eyed the mound on her plate as he poured coffee for her. Then he joined her at the counter with his own dish.

His gaze raked over her. “Rough night?”

“Bet I’m looking pretty scary right now. At least I had the good sense to take my makeup off before I fell into bed.”

“Where were you?” he asked.

“Maya. Wild place. We danced until they kicked us out. My feet are killing me.”

He was quiet a moment. A hint of tension suddenly permeated the air.

Lola smiled. “It was a girl thing, Alex. No guys.”

His shoulders loosened. Was he jealous that she might have been out enjoying the company of other men?

In a more nonchalant tone, which sounded the tiniest bit feigned, he said, “That’s cool. I mean, it’s not like we’re dating or anything. We never laid down the law on exclusivity.”

She took a big bite of omelet and chewed on it—and Alex’s words. Then she swallowed and told him, “I wouldn’t hook up with another guy while I’m having sex with you. I’m good with monogamy.”

Not to mention you’re all I need.

Whoa. This again?

What the hell was going on with her?

“I wouldn’t screw around, either,” he said with conviction in his voice and gravity in his pale-green eyes.

Lola tried to keep the conversation on an even keel, since it was too early in the morning for anything heavy, and her mind was still fuzzy from frozen cocktails. “It’d get pretty expensive for you, considering the incredibly beautiful flowers you send.”

“Those weren’t just for sizzling sex, Lo. We never finished our dinner to celebrate your promotion and your return to Scottsdale.”

“That’s because we were having sizzling sex.”