“Pete!” Her heart really couldn’t take any more toying with, so she demanded, “Tell me what you know!”

With a grunt, and a hell of a lot of hesitation, Pete said, “He’ll kill me for this—and trust me, he’s been loading up the weights of late. He could do it.”

“Pete,” she ground out. “Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.”

Okay, Lola. Dial down the anxiety attack.

In a softer tone, she added, “I’m in love, remember? And nursing a seriously broken heart.”

“Lo…” He looked torn.

She’d put him between a rock and a hard place. But she didn’t intend to back down. He knew her well enough to know that would be the case.

So, disgruntled, he admitted, “Yes and yes. Since junior high. Maybe even before that. He’s totally in love with you, Lo.”

Her hands pressed to her chest. Her heart launched into her throat. She could barely breathe, but managed to say, “That son of a bitch. He should have told me.”

“He didn’t want to mess up your friendship. It means too damn much to him, Lo. You’re… it for him.”

“Then why would he end the perfect solution of friends with benefits?”

“Because he’s spent the vast majority of his life being your friend, and more than half of it being in love with you. And I think he’s convinced that you’d only laugh if you knew.”

“I’m not laughing, Pete,” she said as more tears flowed down her cheeks. She stared him down. “I’m in love with him. No-turning-back in love.”

Pete grinned coyly. “Interesting turn of events.”

Lola swiped at her wet cheeks with her fingertips, then used the napkin he handed over. “What do I do?”

“Goddamn it. I’m no relationship counselor. I date at will. Like, a lot.”

“Pete, help me,” she implored. “You know Alex as well as I do and—”

“No, I don’t. No one knows Alex as well as you do.”

They stared at each other.

He was so right.

Pete gave her the ultimate make up your mind look. “Okay. Bottom line, gut

reaction: What do you want, Lola?”

A total no-brainer. She didn’t even take a breath before saying, “Alex.”

“Then fucking tell him. Before either of you suffers another second. And I have to painfully watch from the sidelines.”

The tears didn’t abate, but Lola felt a spark of hope.

Jumping off the stool, she gave Pete a hug, then raced off.

* * *

Alex was in a crappy mood. How long would Lola go without calling or texting him back? He’d desperately wanted to phone her at work, but didn’t want to get her in trouble over a personal call, especially because she was still new to the team. He’d gone to her parents’ house two days ago, but hadn’t caught anyone at home.

Damn it, when the hell would she talk to him again?

As a last-ditch effort, he decided to suck it up and make a plea to Jace. See if he had her new address, to hell if her brother punched him in the face for hurting his kid sister.