“Since when is having hot sex not so healthy? I use protection.”

“For your Johnson, sure. But what about your heart?”

Alex scoffed. “I can handle it.”

“You’re in love, Alex. She’s getting laid. You’re dealing with very different mindsets here. And as much I dig Lo, I’m your friend, too. I don’t want to see you left high and dry because of her.”

“Let it go,” he grumbled. Alex didn’t need the obvious pointed out to him. Nor was he ready to end the sexfest with Lola. Even though, in the back of his mind, he knew Pete was right. “We’ve got a game to win. Let’s do it.”

He knocked out another grand slam, driving home the winning runs in a grueling game. Pete and his teammates patted him on the back, but it was the look of admiration in Lola’s vibrant blue eyes that kept the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

He dropped his duffel bag on the grass and stared up at her as she stood in the stands, at the end of the bleachers, clapping her hands and bouncing on the soles of sexy sandals. She wore navy-colored shorts and a white tank top. Her long blonde hair was piled high on top of her head, and her bright smile and tempting dimple stole his breath.

So, yeah. Once again, he had to admit that Pete was righ

t. Alex wasn’t doing himself any favors, falling even more in love with Lola Vonn. Maybe he wasn’t the geek he’d once been, but he still questioned whether he’d ever be in her league.

She leaned forward and planted her hands on his shoulders, using him to balance herself. “That was incredible,” she told him, beaming proudly. “I was biting my nails, thinking there was no way in hell you guys were gonna win. Helluva team you were playing. And with the bases loaded at the bottom of the ninth… Jeez, Alex. You sure know how to deliver under pressure.”

He kissed her. Then he reached for her and whisked her off the bleachers and into his arms. He held her tightly, her feet dangling a few inches from the ground.

“I had a little extra incentive. You never cheered for me in high school.”

“The debate team didn’t have cheerleaders. And God forbid I should break out with a ‘Give ’em hell, Alex!’ during a debate.”

“You were always there, though.” His heart did a weird constricting thing that pulled his chest tight.

“Of course.” She regarded him with a sweet smile and a sparkle in her eyes. “We’re best friends. That’s what we do.”

“Despite everyone in school wondering what the beauty queen was doing hanging out with the geek.”

“Seriously, Alex. The girls fawned over you—you just didn’t always notice.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I always liked how smart you were. President of the Student Body. President of the Honor Roll Society. Captain of the Debate Team. I’m actually surprised you didn’t become a lawyer.”

He finally set her on her feet and said, “My parents were both in industrial risk insurance. Mom was a VP in Underwriting, Dad was a senior VP in Claims. They made it sound exciting.”

“Is it?” she asked.

“I have my days. Like when I can keep smaller businesses afloat instead of slapping them with mile-high premiums. My clients stick with me because I find ways for them to afford our product, which they need. I lose one or two from time to time, but my turnover rate is the lowest in the company. Incredibly low by industry standards, in fact. I try to be a partner, not just an insurance agent.”

She smiled. “You even make insurance sexy.” She kissed him again. “Geeks rule.”

And that’s when it hit Alex. He really was screwed. Because he saw so much more between him and Lola than was actually there. Her mega-watt smiles, electric kisses, and provocative words were simple and innate on her end—and complex and meaningful on his.

Alex processed everything about her to the extreme. Making him feel as though there was more going on with them than hot sex.

He realized Pete was trying to spare him from having his heart ripped out of his chest the moment Lola decided she didn’t want or need him anymore. And Alex was stomping all over his friend’s good intentions by continuing to let his emotions—and his dick—guide him where Lola was concerned.

He was balancing on the tip of a very sharp knife.

Extracting himself from the beauty he could never get enough of was no simple feat. But he forced himself to release her. “The team’s going for happy hour at Pizzeria Bianco. Wanna join?”

“Absolutely. I haven’t been there in forever, and though Pete’s Margherita pizza was stellar the other night, I’ve been craving the Rosa. Who would have thought to put pistachios on a pizza?”

“Awesome addition.” They headed to his car. Alex gave more thought to how easy his friendship, relationship, FWB, whatever with Lola was. In theory, it shouldn’t have been, given how topsy-turvy she made everything.

In reality, though… this was totally working.

You are way too stupid for your own good.