He let out a low laugh. “True. But I also wanted to congratulate you on your first week in the Marketing department.”

“I kicked ass and took some names.” She gave a little rah-rah fist-pump. “With help.”

“And,” he added, “I wanted to thank you for not making a mess in my condo. You’ve been an outstanding guest.”

“Aw, shucks.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “See? It can be fun having a roomie. You even get laid from time to time.”

“I wouldn’t mind a quickie this morning, but I’ve gotta hit the shower and make a ten o’clock softball game. We have a double-header today, last two games of the season.”

“Can I watch?”

“Sure.” He leaned over and kissed her sweetly on the cheek. “I could use a personal cheerleader on the sidelines.”

“Well, lucky you. I happen to have plenty of experience with that.”

“Never told me why you quit junior year.”

She glanced down at her chest. “I really wasn’t comfortable being on public display.”

“Right. I get it now.” His gaze narrowed. “But, Lo. You do know you’re a knockout? And that the people who know you best know you have brains to go with the beauty?”

She kissed him. And it wasn’t a sweet one on the cheek. It was a sexy kiss that aroused her from the instant their lips touched.

Alex slid off his bar stool and wedged himself between her parted legs, wrapping them around his hips. His tongue tangled with hers, and Lola was swept away by the intensity of their kiss, the heat that radiated from both of them, the need that rose quickly within her.

Her hands gripped his rock-hard biceps as the kiss deepened. Alex held her waist, scooting her toward him so his erection rubbed against her. Lola’s insides ignited.

She tore her mouth from his and said, “Tell me you’ve just changed your mind about the quickie.”

He groaned. “Stay here. I’ll get a condom.”

“Didn’t you mention a shower?” She wagged a brow.

Taking her hand, he pulled her off of the stool and led her into his bathroom. They stepped under the warm spray of water and lathered up. Then Alex’s hands were all over her. Lola loved sliding her slick, soapy body against his. When they rinsed clean, she knelt in front of him, wrapped her fingers around his hard cock, and ran her tongue from base to tip. His hips jerked in response. He threaded his hands through her hair, pushing the wet strands off and away from her face.

She sucked him deep, and he let out a primal growl. Her head bobbed as she took him almost all the way into her mouth and then teased him with her tongue, glancing over the small indentation of his tip before drawing him in again.

When tremors ran through his legs, he guided her head back and said in a dark, lusty tone, “I want to come inside you.”

He shut off the water and laid a towel over the vanity, then grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up. He dug around in a drawer, found a condom, and rolled it on. Lola spread her legs wide, and then he was buried inside her, and she honestly didn’t think anything could ever compare to Alex thrusting and pumping, pushing them both up, sending her into that beautiful bliss she’d never known before him.

“Alex, you get me so worked up. Christ.”

He had one of her thighs draped over his arm, the other leg circling his waist. She planted her palms on the marble and threw back her head, arching her spine. He fucked her heartily, until they erupted in unison, calling out each other’s names.

* * *

“Still rockin’ the Man o’ Steel thing, eh?”

Alex grinned at Pete, then took a few practice swings with his bat.

Pete said, “She’s even here to cheer you on. You sure you know what you’re doing, bro?”

“Covering first base and hitting three home runs like I did during the ten o’clock game.”

Their team had won, thanks to the runs he’d batted in, including a grand slam. So yeah, since Lola had been sitting in the stands when he’d heroed-up, he felt pretty damn good. They’d watched another game afterward, then had lunch on the patio at El Chorro, with its sensational mountain views, before returning to the park for his second game.

With a hint of concern in his tone, Pete said, “You know what I’m talking about. This thing with you and Lo. I’m thinking it’s not so healthy, dude.”