“The thing is,” she continued, “I made a mistake with this ad campaign.”

This admission appeared to take the group by surprise.

She rushed on. “I latched on to the in-charge female and wanted that concept to permeate the entire campaign. However, I realize I’ve pitched a dominatrix idea—a woman in control in the boardroom and in the bedroom. Empowered by her shoes. Now, I’m not saying the shoes don’t empower. If I were standing here in front of you in Target flip-flops, I wouldn’t feel any confidence at all in this particular environment.”

The others uttered their quiet agreement.

“These shoes,” she continued as she gestured to her red suede peek-a-boos, “complete an image for me and they make me feel successful. Even when I falter. They help me to pick myself up and dust myself off, so to speak. Try again. Not give up.”

Her gaze landed on Sarah. “What you said yesterday makes sense. And I get it. But it dawned on me this morning that one woman taking charge of a boardroom isn’t necessarily a good thing. Because one mind, versus three or five or ten, doesn’t encompass the big picture. I didn’t see the big picture. Until you all pointed it out to me.”

Jen sat back in her chair, looking impressed—hallelujah!

Mark nodded slightly.

Sarah still kept up the unwavering gaze.

Lola let it roll off her back.

She said, “I loved the idea of Staci in her stilettos, rocking a baby-doll nightie and carrying a riding crop to whip the big bad world of business and romance into shape. But then I discovered that, while I like strutting into a bedroom wearing sexy high heels, I don’t always want to tie my guy to the bedposts and have my way with him.”

The VP’s brow crooked.

Okay, touchy subject matter.

Total TMI, but she had a point to make.

She thought of Alex’s aggressive throw-down. What a huge turn-on that had been!

“What if I want him to be the aggressor, because he’s taken one look at me all dolled up for him and fire flashes in his eyes? Not to mention, he spews wine from utter shock and excitement over my lingerie and high heels? What if I don’t want him bound and submissive, because I want his hands and mouth on every inch of me?”

Lola forced herself to retain the eye contact despite how personal she was getting. “I want to be able to initiate and be assertive, sure. That’s exhilarating, and I want that to be a part of this campaign. But I also want him to do the same in return. I want him to see me in these shoes… and have to have me this very instant.”

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Jen murmured.

“I went in the wrong direction,” Lola conceded. “I mean, maybe not totally in the wrong direction. There’s some good stuff in the campaign I pitched and some value-adds from what you all contributed. But there are more angles to consider. When a very structured man is completely blown away by a woman in a sexy chemise and purple Mary Janes—that’s powerful. And when he’s super-OCD and a germophobe, yet still tells her to leave the shoes on in bed… Whoa.”

A wicked thrill moved through her as she thought about how hot it’d been with Alex last night.

Her boss got to his feet. He pinned her with an indiscernible look. Lola couldn’t breathe for a few moments. Her excitement died rapidly on the vine.

She’d gone too far, hadn’t she?

Her heart sank. Damn it, she was not going to win this game!

But the head honcho suddenly grinned and said, “Write that on the board, Lola.”

Her pulse skyrocketed. “Really?” They were allowing her to write on the sacred board? On Day Two?

“Do it now before it slips from your mind,” he insisted.

“Yeah, Lola,” Jen said with a nod of approval. “Write it on the board so you don’t forget.”

Her hand shook as she reached for the marker and added the potential slogan under the spot designated for her project.

“Leave Your Shoes On.”

She turned back to the group, emotion welling within her, making the corners of her mouth quiver. Marketing was her dream, after all. Any way she could rock this promotion, she would.