Lightning streaked through the room, accompanied by a low rumble of thunder. The storm was dying down, but even inside the condo, the air was muggy and thick. And, no, it wasn’t just the tempest causing the crackle between her and Alex. She was suddenly very aware of him, causing a spark of heat to blaze through her. Sending a tickle along her clit.

Alex had always bee

n her best friend, her sounding board, her coconspirator. But he’d been much too meticulous for a girl like her. Yet tonight he had an edgy and powerfully attractive air about him, even more so than that bartender she’d found enticing at the lounge in Baltimore Harbor when she’d celebrated with Maxi. Alex had that same I’ll do you up right look about him.


Her Alex? The guy who’d balked at every wild hair she’d ever gotten?

And had then caved to her every whim…

Wow. Excitement danced along her skin.

Would he cave to this?

“We should definitely talk about what’s happening here,” she said, knowing there was a suggestive glint in her eyes.

“Nothing to talk about.”

Yeah, he could be an immovable force when he wanted to be. But Lola had discovered long ago that sometimes her fabulous best friend just needed a nudge in the right direction.

“Alex.” She boldly placed a hand on his chest and felt the muscles flex beneath her touch. Exciting her even more. And making her near desperate to unbutton his shirt and get a glimpse at what he really had going on behind his tailored clothes. “You’ve got my mind whirling with all sorts of naughty thoughts.”

His jaw clenched. The expression on his face turned smoldering. It did the most interesting things to Lola’s insides, igniting a firestorm the likes of which she’d never experienced.

“Alex,” she repeated on a heavy breath as she practically incinerated from the inside out at his sensual, heated gaze. “When did you learn to deliver such a scorching look?”

He smirked. A bad-boy smirk. An I could easily make you come ten times in an hour if given a chance smirk.

Good God, even her thighs went up in flames.

This completely unraveled Alex was hotter than hell!

Dropping her hand as though it’d been scalded, she took a step back. Her tone was slightly breathless as she said, “I realize we haven’t seen each other in a while, but something is very different about you tonight.”

And every second in his sizzling presence left Lola dying to know exactly how intense it could really be between the two of them.

Alex’s gaze remained riveted on her. Still smoldering. But he said, “Let it go, Lo.”

Yeah, that’d probably be best, except… her libido could use a little CPR. Okay. A lot of CPR. The way Alex practically gobbled her up in her lingerie made her think there might be something to the friends-with-benefits concept after all.

Boy, oh, boy.

Indeed, everyone needed some twists and turns in life.

She took a step closer to him. He stared down at her, not bothering to hide the look of desire that stole her breath.

Yet it appeared as though he warred between gripping her arms, hauling her up against his massive chest, and kissing her until she melted at his feet, or… walking away.

“Isn’t this interesting?” she mused in a quiet voice.

A dark brow jerked up. All right, so Lola wasn’t known for her subtlety.

Alex said, “We’re best friends. Let’s not blur any lines. Just… keep your clothes on.”

He stalked off.

Lola watched him go, her chest still heaving from exhilaration, a dozen what if? scenarios racing through her brain. One in particular…