Page 15 of Just Add Spice

“A remodel warrants a fresh menu. And I’m seriously lacking creativity these days.”

She batted her lashes at him, feeling particularly giddy over her new pro-bono work. “Really, Rafe? You lack creativity?”

“I’ve been stilted of late, what with all the restaurant closures I keep hearing and reading about.”

“Well. We’ll see what we can do about that. You and I were always quite dynamic together in the kitchen.” She winked at him.

“Oh, the can of worms you just opened…”

She knew it—and once again understood the implications of her risky flirtation. But when it came to Rafe… She simply couldn’t help herself.

“Two weeks,” she reiterated. “Let the horses run wild—and I am damn certain we will light this place on fire!”

“Figuratively,” he added with a crook of his brow.

“Well, yeah. Figuratively.” She kissed him on the cheek. “This will be sensational. I’m so excited!”

She bounced off, heading into the dining room as Rafe returned to the kitchen.

Jenna was on her way to the bar when she caught a glimpse of Rafe’s favorite aunt coming through the front door. Jenna handed Gio his olives, to which he replied, “Been there, done that, Jen. Didn’t you see me go into the kitchen?”

“Uh…no. Not so much.” Rafe had commanded her full attention. As always. It was difficult to see anything else when he was in her line of vision. “Sorry about that.”

“No worries.” Gio grinned at her. “You were sufficiently preoccupied.”

She was about to utter a sassy reply, but he walked off with her olives. And Vesta Sampogna strolled over.

Jenna greeted the small woman with the big brown eyes and vivacious smile. “Vesta. It’s so good to see you.”

“Jenna, dear,” the older woman said in her light accent. She ignored Jenna’s outstretched hand and instead gripped her forearms with a surprising amount of strength, given her minimal size.

Jenna leaned down a few inches and Vesta kissed her on both cheeks. “Such a lovely girl,” she said as she released Jenna. Her gaze swept over the early lunch crowd. “And look what you’ve done here.”

“It’s just a start,” Jenna explained. “To get Rafe’s creative juices flowing.”

His aunt eyed her with the arching of one neatly trimmed, blonde eyebrow. “I’m sure that hasn’t been a problem since you returned.”

Jenna bit back a smile at the innuendo that caused a tickle between her legs.

“Would you like a table?” she asked.

“No, no,” Vesta said with the wave of a bejeweled hand. She wore a tailored mauve-colored suit with sensible heels. Her flaxen hair was coiffed in a sophisticated bob. She was attractive and stylish, and there was a genuine air about her that Jenna liked. “I only stopped by to see how things are going. I’m visiting Vinny next.”

Vinny Sampogna was her oldest son. He owned the family’s second restaurant, on the Wharf.

“I just talked Rafe into letting me redecorate,” Jenna confided. “He wants a new menu and the restaurant would benefit from a change in atmosphere, don’t you think?”

With a nod, Vesta said, “He clings to tradition, but the fact is, all of this implies it’s too expensive to have dinner here. Especially in this economy.” She gestured at the spacious front-of-house. “And, honestly, the larger portions and price points confirm it.”

“I agree. We can adjust the food items and jazz the place up. Make it more romantic in some spots, more intimate. Allow for livelier groups in other areas. ”

“Hmm, indeed.” Her gaze swept over Jenna and she added, “You have the right touch when it comes to that. But, cara mia, be careful with his feelings.”

“Vesta.” She sighed. “I adore Rafe. You know that. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him further.”

So why are you flirting with him?
