Page 8 of Just Add Spice

She laughed.

“Sure you don’t need my help in San Fran?” he ventured once more. “I adore that city.”

“And have you drooling over my ex-husband the entire time?” She shot another glance at Rafe and all but sighed at his hotter-than-hell body and brooding good looks. He smirked at her, an expression that never failed to make her clit tingle and her stomach flip. “Not in a million, my friend.”

“You didn’t say anything about the ex!” Tad exclaimed.

“Yes, well. Rafe’s damn hunky so I’m sparing your hormones.” Admittedly, her ex-husband radiated a raw intensity that drew her in. His hair was the color of rich, melted dark chocolate, and though it was a tad long, it was recklessly stylish and sexily tousled. Not to mention, he had gorgeous ocean-blue eyes she could stare into for hours on end.

Christ, the man turned her on like nothing she’d ever known before. It was near impossible to breathe properly around him.

Jenna further confessed to Tad, “Even I have trouble resisting Rafe. So go do something fun and adventurous. That’ll keep you from slobbering on his shoes.”

Tad laughed heartily. “You little tart. Why didn’t you say you wanted two weeks off to get laid?”

Heat flooded her cheeks. Yes, she’d cataloged some searing fantasies starring the Italian stud she’d fallen for years ago. But rekindling a romance with Rafe would be a very dangerous undertaking…for both of them.

“Let’s not make assumptions,” she told Tad. “I have a lot of work here, but I’ll stay in touch. Now, go get a massage or take a carriage ride through Central Park. Enjoy your day.”


She could practically feel him pouting


“Goodbye, Tad.”

“Goodbye, my harlot of a boss.”

She smiled as she disconnected the call. Hopping off the table, she said to Rafe, “I’ll type up my wine pairing suggestions. We can create a nice-quality, mini-menu for each table that offers our recommendations. Bet you’ll move a lot of bottles without a single Chianti label on them.”

Rafe crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “What else have you got up your sleeve?”

Feeling somewhat flirty, what with all the sparks flying between them, Jenna said, “I’m not wearing sleeves.”

He groaned seductively, sending a wicked thrill through her. So much for danger, danger! Seemed she truly was incapable of resisting temptation. The fire beckoned and she just kept stoking it.

But she owed it to both of them to put some effort into maintaining a more professional disposition. Difficult to do, what with his beautiful blue eyes boring into her, making her pussy throb with excitement. And need.

Jenna didn’t want to mislead him, however. She was only in town for two weeks, after all.

She said, “I told you, I’ll cover the hostess stand for your cousin. And I’ve got a few other ideas to implement.” She placed a hand on his strong forearm and added, “Don’t worry. I’ve got it all under control.”

With the exception of her fiery insides. Just touching Rafe nearly singed her to the core of her being. Jesus, the man was electrifying.

And he clearly wasn’t inclined to help matters, what with his simmering gaze and sexy grin. “What happened to having trouble resisting me?”

“You just latch onto every little faux pas I make, don’t you?” She stretched on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek. “I could never deny that you make my stomach flutter. But let’s keep things in perspective. I’m here on business. Nothing more.”

She gave him a pointed look, though in the back of her mind, visions of getting naked with her delicious ex taunted her. Stepping around Rafe, Jenna shoved open the kitchen door to retrieve her dress. She slipped into it, but returned to where he still stood, brooding.

“Mind zipping me up?” she asked as she presented her back to him.

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

Jenna glanced at him over her shoulder. “You’re the one who started the game. Don’t get pissy now that I’m ending it. We tend to go too far with each other. So maybe we ought to just focus on the restaurant.”

He yanked up the zipper and said, “Yeah, we’ll see how that works out for us.”