Page 36 of A Dash of Spice

She sighed contentedly, and said, “All right, then.”

The love of her life kissed her.

And Ciara suddenly realized that maybe things actually did happen for a reason. And there was a hell of a lot of beauty in holiday magic…

Chapter Nine

They were huddled under the covers the next morning. Lying on their sides, face to face. Scout was mesmerized. As always.

A soft smile curved Ciara’s pretty pink—wholly tempting—lips. She cracked an eye open. “You’re staring at me.”

He chuckled. “Couldn’t help it.”

“You figured if you stared long enough, I’d wake up? And then…?” She wagged her brow suggestively.

“I’m all about the and then…”

With a soft laugh, she said, “That makes two of us.”

He kissed her. Then he told her, “I’m already instantly used to this, you know? Waking up with you in the morning. It’s what I want every morning, Ciara. It’s the way it should always be between us.”

Her fingers lightly grazed his temple. “I’m sorry about your career, Scout. I really am. I’m sorry about mine ending, too. In terms of the capacity we were both used to, had both planned out. But all I can think right now is that there are huge opportunities for us to move forward.”

“Like the cosmic force got it right?”

She smiled. “Or maybe Grandpa Win. Who knows? Just seems like if we’d continued down our previous paths, we wouldn’t have ever fully found our way to each other. And the truth is… Being right here in this moment with you… It makes me feels as though I truly needed a catalyst to bring me around. I needed the avalanche. The confrontation with you. All of it.”

Ciara shook her head. Apparently tried again to clarify her thoughts. “I mean, I own this astounding house that I’ve always loved. Have always loved coming back to. And my friends are in Plymouth Rock. The society is in Plymouth Rock. And you’re right—I am the heir to that legacy. So for me, it just feels as though I’ve finally found my place. Finally found my…home.”

“A foreign word to us both,” he concurred as he swept a few strands of hair from her cheek. “But I hear what you’re saying. Can even back it up by telling you that when I was in that rink the other day, I actually did feel like I’d returned to something significant. That this town was my home, too. Even if I hadn’t spent a shitload of time here, it’s where my family always returns to, where my friends still are. Where you are. Where Win Creek Cabin is.”

Ciara’s eyes lit up. “You’re not selling, are you?”

“How the hell could I possibly agree to it? I hated the idea to begin with. So did JT. And from what I’ve heard of their arguments, JT has pretty much set Hamilton straight when it comes to Dad and also what it means to keep this cabin in the family. If the slate’s been cleaned with my brothers, I can’t imagine why Ham would follow through with this insane deal. Not that he can, with me and JT blocking him. Still. What’s most important is that our younger brother finally takes off the rose-colored glasses. He needs to see this place and this family for what it is.”

Ciara kissed him. Then said, “You’re so right. You’re absolutely right. But you have to be forthcoming as well.”

“I know.” He pulled her more closely to him, so their bodies sealed. He whispered, “Starting with telling you once again that I love you.”

“Oh, wait… I think this is my cue to leave, even if it isn’t the middle of the night,” she quipped. And winked.

“Sassy,” he said on a low chuckle. Then he kissed her. The kind of kiss they both felt to the depths of their souls. To heaven and beyond.

That evening, Scout built a bonfire for everyone to enjoy. But mostly, he was enjoying Ciara. He did take the time to meet up with his brothers and tell them he had to put his foot down on the sale of Win Creek Cabin. Remind this generation of Winchester’s of the legacy of the next generation of Win’s.

After stoking the fire in the bedroom, while Ciara settled between the sheets and thick down comforter, he stripped off his sweater and dropped it on top of the dresser.

Something new caught his attention.

He reached for the old photograph tucked into the corner of the mirror mounted on the dresser. Snatched it from its temporary perch. Studied it carefully.

His grandparents, his mother, his brothers and Ciara were gathered outside the cabin. The snowbanks were knee-high. More fat flakes fell. Old-fashion toboggans were stabbed into the drifts. Everyone was smiling. Tilda had taken the photo and had said something in her humorous way to get them all to laugh at the exact same moment.

Hell, Scout and Ciara must have been about ten that year. He remembered how much fun they always had sledding down the wide slopes on the mountain. All that fresh powder, the adrenalin

e rush and the incredible scenery.

He turned to her and handed over the photo. “Did you find this somewhere?”