When D.T. backed her up against the massive glass-top desk, his hands clasped her waist. He lifted her up slightly so that she was perched on the edge. Gizelle’s legs spread wide to accommodate D.T. as he moved between them.

His mouth tore free from hers and in a strained voice, he said, “God, I want you.”

Her toes curled in her high heels. Desire rocketed through her, targeting her pussy, which clenched tight at the overpowering sensation. As her pulse raced and her chest rose and fell with exhilaration, Gizelle’s gaze locked with D.T.’s. “A truce for tonight?”

His eyes left hers and swept over her body. When they landed on her breasts, which she knew were revealed through the thin material of her blouse—a strategic move on her part—his dark gaze turned even more intense. Emotions played on his rugge

dly handsome face. Raw and honest. She could see how much he desired her and how deeply his feelings for her ran.

His gaze returned to hers. “I want more than just a truce for the night.”

Gizelle’s breath caught. Her eyelids grew heavy under the weight of his stare and the vehemence in his voice. She heard the certainty, the absolute resolution, in his deep tone.

He wanted her for more than this one fleeting moment in time.

“D.T.,” she managed to whisper around the lump of emotion that welled unexpectedly in her throat. For all his faults, the man sure as hell knew how to wrap his fingers around her heart and caress it with tenderness.

But what about tomorrow?

She’d been shafted by him more than once. Left angry and without something she needed desperately, be it a treasure or D.T. himself. Could she trust him?


Regardless of how pissed off he made her on all-too-frequent occasions, Gizelle had to admit that she trusted D.T. with her life and maybe, just maybe, with her heart.

As her fingers tightened in his hair and her legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him as close to her as possible, D.T.’s head dipped and he kissed her once more.

She wouldn’t answer his question tonight. Instead, she’d give in to the pleasure he seemed determined to give her. And she’d reciprocate.

And come morning, Gizelle would ask him one last time to return to Earth with her.

Chapter Four

D.T.’s cock swelled to all-new proportions as it pressed against Gizelle’s mound. The material of his leather pants and her thin panties were no barrier against her heat, and that did wicked things to his body. Her flared skirt had crept up when he’d hoisted her onto the desk and now it fell over her slim hips, away from the juncture of her legs where he was currently positioned. His mouth broke free of hers and trailed down the long column of her neck. Her head fell back and she moaned softly, which made him even harder.

Christ, he could come right now. It would take nothing more than her fingers grazing over his erection, and D.T. would fall apart. He wanted her that much. Responded to her that vehemently.

But he held his excitement in check, because what D.T. really wanted was to bring her pleasure. To lick her pussy and hear her moan deeply. To thrust his cock into her as she screamed his name. To make her come again and again.

When his mouth reached the rounded tops of her breasts, he wondered how he’d made it through all the discussions and arguments tonight. From the moment she’d landed in his lap, he’d wanted nothing more than to fuck her, to drive her absolutely wild and then give her everything she wanted, everything she desired. Everything she needed.

He had nowhere to be tonight. He was in no rush. Yet D.T. felt a sense of urgency. His own desire and needs welled within him as the fingers of one hand pulled at the tie on Gizelle’s blouse while his other hand swept away the material to expose her plump, creamy white breasts.

Sweet lord.

Aphrodite couldn’t have been this beautiful way back in the days of Greek mythology. He’d studied the ancient times in school and had even been a bit infatuated with the goddess of love and beauty. But then he’d met Gizelle, and D.T. had realized his childhood fantasies had been foolish in comparison to real, live, honest-to-God attraction. Gizelle stirred his senses, heightened his arousal, called to his heart as no other woman, fact or fiction, ever had.

As his lips swept over her velvety skin, his tongue sweeping over her warm flesh, D.T. groaned. Honestly, nothing compared to touching and tasting this woman. His mouth moved lower until his lips brushed over her pink areola and then her tight nipple. She sucked in a breath and her response to him made fire roar through D.T.’s body.

With her head thrown back, her eyes closed, and her long hair cascading over her slender shoulders, she was a vision to behold. Her lips parted with her heavy breathing, and her fingers released the strands of hair she’d been clutching. The tips grazed over his neck, down to his shoulders. She gripped him tightly as D.T.’s tongue went to work on her nipple.

“Oh, God,” she moaned as her fingers pressed into his muscles. Her legs tightened around his waist, silently conveying her excitement.

D.T.’s tongue swirled around the taut peak as his thumb swept over the other hard nipple. When he sucked hard, she gasped. When he lapped at the tight center, she moaned. Shifting his mouth to the other nipple, he lavished it with attention as his fingers worked the peak he’d just left. Then he gave both breasts a not-so-gentle squeeze, and Gizelle bucked against him.

“D.T,” she gasped. “You’re making me so hot.”

And he was just getting started.