Page 100 of Deadly Attraction

Jade grinned. “Don’t you mean, ‘can I abide by that’?”

“Yes,” he said as his fingertips drew abstract circles on her bare arm. “Precisely what I mean.”

“Fine. I’ll leave the military matters to your discretion. I’m now promoting goodwill amongst the species.”

The quest had a very nice appeal to it. And for once, Jade embraced an optimistic outlook. Though in the back of her head, she didn’t forget their world was a dangerous one no matter what good intentions were verbally expressed…

Chapter Fourteen

The meeting hall was packed when Jade arrived with Tanner and, not surprisingly, Darien. She’d known all along he wouldn’t allow her to speak to the villagers without him when it came to her new post. He’d want to express his own point of view of the position rather than let her pontificate on something that had grown so exponentially in her mind overnight, it led her to believe she was on par with reestablishing a peace sanction akin to the United Nations.

She was brimming with excitement as they entered the hall and walked in unison to the front of the room. Tanner placed an additional chair at the head table and he sat to the right of Darien, while she sat to the left.

It wasn’t an everyday occurrence to be appointed an ambassador of peace by a king, so she felt the butterflies in her stomach were justified. The fact she still needed to reconcile her newly discovered demi-demon status aside, a heady sensation of purpose and direction consumed her.

In truth, she felt more alive than ever before. More a part of something significant and bigger than herself, and certainly in tune to possibilities she’d never dared dream of—like the opportunity to discuss with Darien advancements that might improve human life. And the potential to strengthen relations so the demons within the king’s alliance—who obeyed his rules and did not prey on mortals—could be free of persecution and, in turn, the humans could be released from fear and tyranny.

A win-win was so close at hand, she nearly vibrated in her chair as Tanner tried to get the crowd under control. Speculation about the king’s presence, however, had everyone whispering and chattering in terse voices.

Finally, Jade jumped to her feet, as she was prone to do when she’d had enough of the speculative conversation.

“Everyone, please,” she said in a strong voice, “take your seats.” They did, and the talking dimmed. “Now, allow Tanner and me to recognize King Darien’s presence at our meeting.”

Darien stood and the congregation knelt in front of their chairs as they’d done the last time he’d visited the hall.

“Thank you, Jade.” He slid a sideways glance her way. He clearly found it amusing her patience with the villagers’ anxiety always snapped when there was important news to discuss. He gestured for the group to return to their chairs. Then he said, “I appreciate Tanner and Jade giving me the floor for a few moments to dis—”

Alarm gripped Jade as a movement in the anteroom snagged Darien’s attention.

Seconds later, Morgan swept into the hall, his cloak swirling at his feet. He wore a tense expression that made her instantly ill at ease. The villagers turned their gazes from the king to his general and bewildered whispers ensued.

“Excuse me,” Darien announced before joining Morgan in the far corner.

Jade exchanged looks with Tanner, then he stepped closer to her and ventured, “This must have something to do with the rogue army.”

Her heart sank to her knees. “Let’s hope there aren’t more casualties.”

But she wasn’t one to be left hanging. She moved away from Tanner and insinuated herself into Darien and Morgan’s conversation.

Darien stopped mid-sentence and glowered at her.

She said, “I’m supposed to be an ambassador now. I believe that entitles me to hear news that clearly impacts the village, given Morgan came directly to the meeting hall with his report.”

The general appeared confused by her statement. He asked, “Ambassador?”

“I’ll explain later,” Darien said. Then he added, “Continue with your update.”

Morgan did as requested. “The renegade army has split up and I believe they’ll be outside Ryleigh’s borders within a day. Two at the most. The tracks they’re leaving are scattered and intermittent, indicating they’re still vanishing. This throws off our detection of them. But they will materialize.” His tone turned grave. “And when they do, I suspect they will have surrounded the village.”

Jade’s pulse hitched. “Tanner and I can’t defend the village against a hundred and fifty demons.”

Darien nodded at her. “Thank you for actually acknowledging that.” As though he’d feared she’d be foolish enough to try to fend off the demons.

Then again… If it was her only choice…

She asked, “What do you want us to do?”

“Stay out of it.” Morgan was the one to respond. “You’re minus a slayer, and even if you wanted to be a stand-in, which I know Darien would never permit, you—”