of high society—obviously something Sam had conquered when it came to his roots. It was about reconnecting and grasping the more basics elements of life—and love.

“Don’t leave the inn,” he said in a quiet voice. “Sing here. Visit your family. Do whatever you want, darlin’, but stay on at the ranch. Stay with me.”

She stared deep into his eyes and that ray of light and hope that always speared her when she was with him gripped her once more.

“I don’t care how long it takes you to heal,” he said. “I just want to help you. I want to be with you, Sky. Always.”

Her heart swelled. Tears prickled her eyes. “Sam.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him.

He embraced her and whispered in her ear, “I was hooked on you the second I saw you. That first time you came to the ranch. I love you, Sky. Let me take you home.”

She blinked, a few drops rolling down her cheeks. “To the cottage?”

“Mine, not the one on Jack’s property.”

She nodded. “Yeah. That one.”

His head dipped and he kissed her. Softly. Sweetly.

Sky was instantly whisked away in the flood of emotions and sensations he evoked. She missed him more than anything she could possibly fathom and wanted him more than she wanted her next breath.

Tearing her mouth from his, she said, “Now, Sam. Take me home now.”

He unraveled from her and took her by the hand. She grabbed Morgan in the crowd and said, “Look after my guitar and take my Escalade back to Daddy’s tonight, since y’all are still staying there.” She handed over the keys. “Oh,” she added. “Mama’s recipe box is in the glove compartment. You and Macy might want to look ’em over. Share with Tara too, okay? I’ve got a date with this studly cowboy.” She winked.

Morgan gave her a quick hug and whispered, “Does he have a brother?”

“Already engaged, but I’ll keep my eyes open for you.”

They hugged again and Morgan said, “Mace and I love you. Come see us again. Soon.”

“Come see me,” Sky countered. “In Wilder. At the ranch. You’ll love it. I promise a weekend there will inspire your artistic sides.”


Sky walked briskly with Sam to his truck. He opened the door for her and she climbed in, securing her seatbelt. He joined her and shot a heated look her way that curled her toes.

“You did wait,” she said, though he’d told her he wasn’t good at that.

“I couldn’t push. I mean…I wanted to. Damn, how I wanted to.”

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m glad you didn’t. I needed to talk it out with the right people, Sam. You understand that, don’t you?”

“I gave you that advice upfront for a reason. Doesn’t mean it was easy to accept the ‘right people’ didn’t include me. But then again… If we’d been together when I’d come back from Afghanistan…” He shrugged and let out a long breath. “I’m not sure I could have talked my feelings out with you. I felt guilty and I wouldn’t have wanted you to think differently about me.”

“Exactly,” she said. “It has to be reconciled in your own mind before you can share it with someone else.”

His hand smoothed over her hair and he grinned at her. “I had to be me again, before I could be with someone else.”

“Yes.” He eyed her a few moments, and Sky finally added, “I think I’m me again. If not wholly, suddenly getting closer by the second…”

Sam leaned over and kissed her. Then he started the truck and drove them back to the ranch.

When they reached the cottage, he led her to the tall windows and sank into a chair that looked out at the lake. With her in his lap, he kissed her again. His fingers threaded through her hair, then trailed down her neck. As their tongues tangled, he unbuttoned her shirt. He palmed her breast and gently squeezed before whisking the pad of his thumb over her nipple, hardening it behind the lacy cup.

Sky moaned. It felt so damn good to have his hands on her body again. He caressed her breast while deepening their kiss. Her insides ignited.

She broke their kiss and tugged on his T-shirt, hauling it over his head and tossing it aside. Her fingers glided over the taut muscles of his shoulders and arms. Her lips grazed his neck and then his pectorals. Her tongue flicked a small, pebbled nipple and he groaned.