With much agitation, he waited around for her and Midnight to return. She brushed the stallion and then cleaned up. Sam rested an elbow on the ledge of Midnight’s gate and tried to appear casual as she came back to say goodbye to the horse.

“I really am grateful you’re working with him when I’m gone,” Sam said.

“You have horses to pick up. That’s a necessary function of this ranch. I can pitch in when you’re away.”

Sam glanced around the stable, and Dalton suddenly made himself scarce, stepping into the stall that housed the New Mexico horse, a very tattered-looking Appaloosa.

“Reese said you might be leaving us.” Sam’s gut clenched at the mere thought of Sky taking off.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I feel awkward being here. Like every person I pass just wants to give me a hug.”

“Is that so bad?”

Her lips twisted in contemplation. Then she said, “In theory, no. In reality, I’m constantly thinking that they’re thinking about what could have happened here if you hadn’t reached me before Mac got me in that boat of his.”

“John caught sight of the two of you from one of the cameras when Willet dragged you from the corral.”

She nodded. “I heard.” She splayed her hand over his abs and her fingers curled around the material of his shirt. “How painful was it for you to see me lying on the beach? How painful was it for you to hear me talk about Mac raping me?”

“Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

Sky blew out a breath.

He bent his head to hers, and whispered, “But I’m still here, darlin’. Not going anywhere.”

His lips grazed her cheek and were about to brush over her lips, but she released his shirt and stepped away.

She stared at him a moment, her eyes misting. Then she turned and left the stable.

The next day, Sam poured over paperwork in his office. A suitable task on a stormy Saturday afternoon.

Caleb popped in before dinner. He shook the rain off his hat, plopped into a chair and rested his booted feet on Sam’s desk.

“Come on in. Make yourself at home,” Sam grumbled in a sarcastic tone.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

“To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure of your boots on my desk?”

Caleb chuckled, his mood infinitely lighter than Sam’s. “Well, I just wrapped up an eval on Midnight with Dalton, and he’s convinced the horse will be ready for adoption in a couple weeks. A month at the most.”

“Hmm. Good and bad news. I’m happy he’s recovered. Not so thrilled he’ll be leaving us.”

Caleb eyed Sam curiously, saying, “You know Sky wants that horse.”

He closed the file he’d been working on and set it aside. “She’s staying out at the Wades’. Jack has a good-size property, but no horse facilities. No corral.”

Caleb seemed to give this some thought, then told him, “You have plenty of room on your slice of this ranch.”

Sam stared at him, incredulous. “You think I ought to build on my land so I can keep a horse Sky will take care of?”

“Oh come on. You and I don’t want that horse going anywhere any more than she does. You want to care for him too. But we need the space here in the stable. Since he’s well enough to be moved,” Caleb said as he dropped his feet to the floor, “the way I see it, you have two choices. Adopt out the horse or board it. The latter comes with a bonus.” He winked conspiratorially. “You get the pretty dessert chef coming down to your cottage every day.”

Despite the appealing idea, Sam scoffed. “I am not going to use a horse to bribe her into coming down to the cottage.”

“Well, whatever your current strategy is,” he said as he stood, “it ain’t working for you, bro. I suggest a new game plan.”

Sam scowled as Caleb left the office.