He propped a shoulder against the wall. Crossed his booted feet at the ankles. “Been hard enough to know what went on, but she’s kept the specifics from me, and that’s helped. I can focus on the fact that she’s okay physically now, and isn’t afraid of men. She’s not afraid to be with me. But this asshole has burned her trailer to the ground and has caused so much devastation in her world that I can’t stop thinking about hunting him down myself.”

“Hey, now,” Caleb said as he shot to his feet. “Don’t go getting any ideas, Rambo. I know you have a gun.”

“And a woman I want to protect.”

“I know you care about her and you’re worried about her. Probably pissed to high hell too that something this awful has happened to her. But you’re also fueled by the fact that you have something to prove.”

Because he’d failed to protect Charlotte, even though it was in an entirely different capacity?

“Look,” Caleb continued. “I know you wouldn’t go off half-cocked, but I’m fairly certain that if you were the one to find this prick, you’d be tempted to take justice into your own hands. I’m saying this because I’d feel the same way if someone hurt Reese. But it’s not necessarily the right thing.”

Sam grunted. “I know that.”

“All right, then. Let the sheriff’s office handle this. And just continue to be there for Sky.”

“Yeah, about that…” He uncrossed his ankles and shoved away from the door. He raked a hand through his hair and said, “She needs to tell Reese. It’ll be the hardest damn thing for her, but she doesn’t want her best friend to hear from someone else. You know the rumor mill in this town. There really are no secrets in Wilder. So just keep this under your hat until she’s made her confession.”


“She’s going to have to tell her dad, her sisters. Ruby and Mike. Ginger, Jack and Jess. The Bains. Shit.”

Caleb gripped Sam’s shoulder and said, “They’ll all be supportive. And that just might help her through this.”

“Once they locate Willet and press charges, it’ll be in the papers. Given her name, we’re not just talking about the newspapers in Hill Country. This sort of thing will make national headlines.”

“She’s weathered the worst of it, Sam. She survived the assault. She wasn’t in the trailer when it burned. She knows she’s safe with you—with all of us here at the ranch.”

“So you don’t mind her staying?”

“Did you think for a second I would?”


Caleb nodded. “Nothing to discuss as far as that goes.”

“Except I want to double the security guards.”

“That’s fine by me. She can give them a description and they can keep their eye out for anything suspicious.”

“Can’t imagine he’d be dumb enough to come here.”

Caleb rubbed his jaw. “That’s probably true, but we’ll be on-guard, anyway. Doesn’t hurt to err on the side of cautious.” His brother regarded him a moment, his brow furrowed. Then he said, “Something else is bugging you.”

He sighed. “Sky, in general. She’s been distant today.”

“This is a very touchy situation, Sam. And she’s probably terrified about what happened to her trailer. If she’s anything like Reese, she’s putting on the tough-girl face. Reese wanted to handle the situation with her ex-husband all on her own, not get me involved. That’s the kind of women they are, and I respect that they want to save themselves. But sometimes, that’s not possible. There’s no shame in needing help from time to time. I’m sure you’ve mentioned that to Sky, but it might be difficult for her to reconcile it in her mind, which is why she’s distant.”

Sam paced the office. Then he said, “Thing is, I can’t stand the thought of losing her.”

“No one says you’re losing her. She’s going through a horrific ordeal and needs to work through it. Hell, I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She’s as crazy about you as you are her. Don’t start doubting that just because she’s in her head a bit more than usual today. Perfectly natural. Ask Dalton. He’ll tell you the same.”

Sam groaned. “This relationship happened pretty quick. Caught us both by surprise. I won’t discount the bond between us, but let’s face facts. There’s nothing to hold her to me.”

“Sure there is,” Caleb said with a grin. “She agreed to stay at the cottage. She wants to be with you, Sam.”

He wanted to believe in that.

“Let her take the time she needs,” his brother said. “But show her that you’re there for her. No matter what.”