“But it’s clearly a group effort,” she said. “An impressive one.”

“We have a lot of staff to help us out. Some volunteers. An equine mental health specialist who works with the horses. Dalton also trains all of us on how to facilitate their rehabilitation so we don’t hinder the behavioral progress he makes.”

“Wow.” Her eyes shimmered with admiration, drawing him in, causing him to take a step closer to her. She added, “I had no idea all of this was going on when Reese asked me to come out.”

Reese said, “Sky’s the high school friend I told you about, Sam. I’m trying to talk her into being our pastry chef.”

He grinned again, still holding Sky’s warm hand in his. “Welcome to the ranch.”

That was about all he could manage by way of processing Reese’s words. His mind really couldn’t get past how much more beautiful Sky Travis was in person. How was that possible, exactly? Weren’t graphic designing programs meant to make recording artists look better on their CD covers than in real life? So not the case with this woman…

And Sam was instantly attracted to her. In spades.

She wore a white lace tank top that did everything to evoke a man’s desire, given the low dip of the neckline and the plump swells of her breasts. A turquoise-colored suede jacket hung open. Her tight jeans accentuated her feminine curves. Her cowboy boots were also turquoise. A damn fine sight she made.

His cock twitched. He could stand there all day long, just drowning in the blue pools that were her eyes and reveling in her sweet smile, which showed the hint of straight, pearly white teeth.

For several seconds, Sam forgot where he was. What he’d been doing before this striking, breath-stealing creature had entered his stable.

She seemed equally captivated.

Too bad Reese had to finally go and spoil the moment. She indiscreetly cleared her throat.

Sure, Sam had been staring all awestruck-like. Ogling, even. Sky Travis practically rendered him speechless.

But he pulled himself from the trance she’d held him in and thought back to the conversation at hand. “Being a dessert man,” he said, “my stomach would thank you if you signed on with us.”

Sky laughed. A sensual sound that seeped right into him, making his groin tighten. And eliciting a low neigh from one of the horses, reminding him of where they stood. Reminding him of the real world, not the lust-filled one his mind and suddenly tense body had wandered into.

Time to get over his ridiculous fan crush.

Though it felt like a hell of a lot more than a case of celebrity worship. Sam didn’t do celebrity worship, after all. Wasn’t in his DNA. Nor did he have the time or the interest to give much thought to movie or music industry who’s who.

Another neigh from the back of the stable pulled him fully from his captivated state.

Well. Maybe not fully…

He said, “That’s Midnight. Must be he likes your voice.” He released Sky’s hand and gestured toward a stall in the back corner. “He typically doesn’t have much to say, or share an interest in what goes on in the stable. He keeps to himself. But it seems he’s found something to pique his curiosity.”

Smart horse. Sam’s own curiosity and interest had certainly hitched several notches since he’d noticed Reese’s guest when they’d been standing in front of the inn.

True to Sam’s word, the horse stuck his head out over the chest-high gate of his stall to see who’d come to visit. His ears pricked forward and his eyes turned alert.

The beauty beside Sam gasped.

“A black stallion,” she said. “He’s gorgeous.”

He hadn’t been when Sam had picked him up a few months ago. Now his blue-black coat gleamed and his mane and tail were detangled and shiny.

Sky strolled casually over to the stallion, her movements

slow and measured like before.

“Well, now,” she said to the horse when she reached his stall. “Aren’t you the most magnificent thing I’ve ever laid eyes on?”

Sam was actually jealous. He pushed aside the irrational emotion and said, “Don’t touch him just yet, darlin’. He needs to get used to you first.”

“All right.” She clasped her hands behind her back. Let the horse sniff around her hair and neck. Sam barely heard her murmur, “You let these nice people take care of you. I just might adopt you myself.”