eone else. To open up. Even to me.”

Sam nodded. “She’s different. She makes me want to be forthcoming. Even to you.”

Caleb grinned. They’d shared plenty, no doubt about it. But Sam had kept his relationship with Charlotte from Caleb and the family—to the relationship’s detriment.

Sam had no doubt this prompted his brother to ask, “You’re willing to subject her to Dad and Judith?”

“They’ll all have to meet. Eventually. But the truth is, I don’t give a rip what Dad and Judith think of her. Although, being a celebrity, they’ll probably fall all over themselves when they meet her. The point is,” he said, “you and I live our own lives here in Wilder, not under the heavy hand of the elite in Dallas. And I don’t care what anyone says about Sky. Ever.”

He’d come to that realization damn quick last night. When she’d been so concerned over how people—Reese in particular—would view her if they ever found out about Nashville. Sam would stand by her side. He’d known it last night. The notion had been further solidified in his mind when he’d kissed her this morning.

“There’s something here,” he said, “that is much stronger than even what I had with Charlotte.”

“Well, isn’t that interesting?” His brother clapped him on the shoulder. “But shit, now I really never will hear the end of it from Reese.”

“When are you gonna marry that girl?”

“I’m not the one who can’t find a free weekend. She’s so busy with the inn, it’s a wonder I get any time with her at all.”

“There’s been a lot to do to get things rolling. She’ll have enough staff in place soon to back off a little on the workload.”

Caleb nodded. “Believe me, the first sign of a break in her schedule, and we’re tying the knot.”

They changed the subject to the Arabian, and Sam gave an account of his observations over the past twenty-four hours, as he did with the rest of the horses.

Although his focus was on the animals, the spunky redhead wasn’t far from his mind…

* * * * *

“There’s something different about you today,” Reese said to Sky as she joined her at her dessert station. “You’re smiling. Like, a lot.”

Sky gave a half snort. “Something wrong with that?”

“Not at all. In fact, I’m really happy about it. Just wondering if it has anything to do with the former Marine you insisted you wanted nothing to do with. Did he kiss you last night? Is that why you’re grinning from ear to ear?”

“You’re such a busybody, Reese. Really.”

“Oh don’t play coy with me. I want all the juicy details. Even if I have to cajole them from you.”

“You mean nag me to death.”

Reese laughed. “I stick with what works.”

“Well,” Sky said as she pulled the chocolate tulip molds from the oven, set the tray on the stainless-steel counter and inspected them. “I wouldn’t exactly call what Sam did to me last night kissing. More like he swept me clean off my feet.”

She removed her oven mitts and let the shells cool while she prepared to whip up the raspberry mousse that would fill them.

Continuing on—Reese her rapt audience—she said, “I hate to be cliché, but there were definitely fireworks. Over my head. Low in my belly. Other places we don’t need to mention in public.”

Reese clapped her hands together and bounced on the balls of her booted feet, apparently overcome with joy. “I just knew it. From the time you said you were coming back to Texas, all I could think about was getting the two of you together.”

Sky eyed her curiously. “Shouldn’t you be thinking about your wedding?”

She waved a hand in the air. “Are you kidding? With all the desserts I’ve been eating lately, I couldn’t fit into a dress. I’ve got to lose at least ten pounds before I even think about stepping into a gown. Besides, Caleb has been busy with the horses, and I’ve been swamped with the inn. Which reminds me, I need to place an online ad for a marketing director.”

“That’s a great idea. You need some publicity to bring in more guests. This place is too beautiful to be Wilder’s biggest secret.”
