“I don’t think you’re gonna hear any complaints,” Dalton told her.

She smiled and said, “That’s what I’m hoping for, but I’m still new at this, so I’m open to suggestions.” She glanced around the stable and asked, “Where’s Sam?”

“With Midnight.”

Her attention turned to the stall in the far corner. The gate was open. She wandered over and found Sam brushing the stallion while speaking gently to him.

She watched for a few moments, mesmerized by the stunning horse and the gorgeous man, both of whom she admired. Then she said in a low tone, “You two are picture perfect.”

Midnight’s head snapped up and he snorted. She laughed. The horse shifted, moving a little closer to her, sniffing her.

Sam rolled his eyes playfully. “Oh sure,” he said to the stallion. “You pretend to be content with me taking care of you, and then she walks in and you defect.” He handed her the brush. “Give it a try. Just his neck. See how he responds.”

She stepped toward Midnight and said, “I’ll understand if you’re not receptive.” She slid her gaze to Sam. “No hard feelings.”

He nodded. “It wouldn’t be anything personal, darlin’. Everybody has their own healing process,” he reminded her, as he had the day Midnight had snubbed her with the hackamore.

His pointed gaze also indicated his sentiment applied to her situation too. Sky appreciated his perceptiveness.

She raised the hand not holding the brush and slowly reached out to the horse. “How about we start with a pet on the nose?” Her palm glided over his gleaming coat. He responded favorably, inching closer to her.

To Sam, she said, “I’m so glad I didn’t see him when he first came here. I wouldn’t have handled it well.” She looked at the horse and then flicked her gaze to Sam again. “His eyes break my heart. He’s wary and cautious. He looks as though he wants to trust us, but there’s the reminder of what happened to him.”

“I see that in your eyes sometimes too.”


Sky held up the brush and said to Midnight, “It’d be okay if we gave this a try, right?”

The horse regarded her with that flash of concern she was all too familiar with. Seemed he wanted to believe in her, but still struggled with his inner turmoil.

She spared another glance at Sam. He nodded in encouragement.

Sky smoothed the bristles over the black coat. Midnight backed away. Not too far. Just enough to say he was uncomfortable, but not afraid of her. She smiled. Took a small step toward him, the brush at her side.

She rubbed his nose again and he nickered.

“Okay,” she said. “I get it. You need a little more time. I’m new and you’re not used to me yet. That’s all right.”

Sam took the brush from her and finished the job while she watched. Midnight kept his gaze on her, so she talked quietly to the animal. Then she and Sam left the stall, washed up and walked toward the front of the building.

He said, “I give it a couple more days and he’ll totally cave. You’re pretty much irresistible.”

She laughed. “Hardly, but thanks for the vote of confidence. Though I know it’s going to take some time. He’s been through a lot.”


They reached his office and she paused, listened, then said, “Hey, that’s me.”

Sam grinned. “I finally hooked up the sound system we installed when we remodeled and expanded the stable. I downloaded your CD from iTunes so I can pipe it through. Thought Midnight would benefit from hearing your voice. The other horses seem to like it too.”

“You’re gonna make me blush.”


He did lean in for a kiss, though. A sexy, sensual one. Sky practically melted at his feet.

Sam stared down at her, his eyes alight with desire. And a warmth that called to her. She skimmed her fingertips over his pectoral muscles, liking how they flexed beneath her touch.